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Right cylinder not firing

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I've been searching the forum but havent had any luck with my problem. When I first fire up the banshee both cylinders fire equally and it runs good. I usually let it warm up for about 5 minutes before I ride it. Soon after I make a few passes down a 200 yard road after it warms up, the right cylinder stops firing at idle and with a little gas. Once it gets on the pipe both cylinders fire correctly and rides normal. After I park it and let it cool down, then fire it up both cylinders fire correctly. What could be the problem? It has something to do with the temp. What do you bansheeHQers think??? Thanks in advance.

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I was just having the same problem after getting new carbs, plugs, etc. and I found from reading other posts to check the wiring and fuel line. After verifying it wasn't the plug or the wiring I checked the "T" split fuel line to the carbs and it was higher on the right side with nothing moving through. After making them symetrical/level the right side immediately fired up and ran well. I'm letting it cool down and will run it later tonight to make sure it wasn't a coincidence. GL!

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If I remember correctly I think they are 340 mains, middle clip and unsure of the pilots. The airbox lid is on, I've removed the lid but it seems like it losses power.


Umm do you have porting done to your jugs? because holy hell if you dont..i have a dune port and run 320's in the summer. And that is with the lid on or do you mean 240's? and if you just have the lid off it wll lean it up so it will be lose of power...if your going to keep the lid off you need to rejet... I would start around 290 and work down.

Edited by GrMeyer
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I have been having the same trouble with mine. I found that my carb slides were swapped from left to right and that my throttle cable did not have enough free play(this is what made it try to idle cold). Make sure the dimple for carb sync window lines up with the window.

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