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connecting rod stretching?

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bahaha now he created a new name and is trying to make himself look badass! lmfao


its got to be him. look at heatons last two post and then this new guy here. no punctuation or grammer for fuck! lol


oh and by the way heaton is handicapped. he has down syndrome dont give him any shit. he is a great kid and tries his best to be out front and most the time is

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No shit being given, but an answer to my above questions would clear everything up. Since you know him, go over there and help him. Tell us the markings on the rods and pistons.


new pistons 513mo6450 old pistons 795 and thats all i can make out on it so yeah he needs a 795 thanks guys for the help




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oh and by the way heaton is handicapped. he has down syndrome dont give him any shit. he is a great kid and tries his best to be out front and most the time is


so what your saying is that because he's handicapped we should all give him a pass when he comes on here talking a bunch of crap he doesnt know about?


first off i dont buy the handicapped thing but secondly, your the reason handicapped people have such a hard time functioning in a normal society because your always expecting everyone to taylor there actions to those who are hadicapped.


it's one thing to expect people to not make fun of someone whos incapable of defending themselves but when someone comes on here claiming theve built one of the fastest bikes in there zip code there obviously smart enough to understand what there claiming.


it's not like this is the "little rascal" forum and hes looking to up the juice on his go-ped, he's asking questions and making claims that big boys do and for that i think he deserves to get whatever reply's he gets. it's not like he's in a wheelchiar and were refusing to open a door for him. he knowingly stepped into a forum and asked a question....


did it ever cross your mind that if he is indeed handicapped that maybe he just wants to try and fit in with all the regular people without getting favored for having a problem? maybe he just wants to be looked at as being one of the guys without everyone giving him a pass or taking pity on him because he has an issue?


i personaly think that if heaton wanted some sympathy because he has downs syndrom he would have made that known in his first post, since he didnt i'm going to continue to treat him just as i would anyone else and i feel that you are doing him a disservice by coming on here telling everyone he is handicapped....


heaton, if you truley have downs syndrom then i'm sorry for your condition but at the same time if your going to come on here and claim that you've built one of the fastest bikes in your zip code but cant figure out if you have a long rod crank in your engine then you should be prepared for all the questions and ridicule that come with it....


sorry bud but thats just the way it goes...

Edited by swrbansheeboy
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