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Coolant Line Touching Exhuast


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Why don't you guys grow up, and quit trying to blame FMF for your problem. It's actually Yamaha's fault. Each frame is a bit different, and the motor in each frame doesn't set exactly in the same place, hence the problems with mounting pipes. Some have problems with the left side, and some with the right side. Just deal with it, and figure out a way to fix the problem, instead of complaining. Have a nice day. :biggrin:

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Why don't you guys grow up, and quit trying to blame FMF for your problem. It's actually Yamaha's fault. Each frame is a bit different, and the motor in each frame doesn't set exactly in the same place, hence the problems with mounting pipes. Some have problems with the left side, and some with the right side. Just deal with it, and figure out a way to fix the problem, instead of complaining. Have a nice day. :biggrin:



How is it Yamahas fault? last i knew Yamaha wasnt built for a aftermarket pipe.

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My FMF pipes hit on the coolant line too. I took one of the old rubber clamps off the old pipes slit one side and slid it between the pipe and the hose. then i zip tide it in place. i has been that way since it was 2 months old in 2005 with no problems.

Edited by supernova_64
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