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i tried nitro on an my old drag quad.killed the crank.very hard on bearings hell i've messed with rc cars for ever and thought it would be a piece of cake to tune.it was'nt.maybe if you had deep pockets and lot's of parts it would be fun.DO NOT MIX GAS AND NITRO.good luck

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The largest problem with Nitro is it takes more than guessing to make it work right. 230psi (ie around 16:1 CR) would most certainly blow your motor sky high. The octane, stoic ratio, flash point, burn rate, latent heat of vaporization, etc must all be taken into acct and that is generally why engines blow up when "trying" it. You must adjust.


Nitro creates only 5000btu/gal when compared to gasolines ar around 18,000btu/gal. However, the stoic ratio of gasoline is 14.7:1 for best efficiency and 12.5:1 for best power. Nitro creates best power at 1.3:1!! This is because of all the oxygen in Nitro so it brings it's own oxidizer to the party and needs little air to fully burn. This does not mean you want to restrict the air, this means you have to flow "serious" amounts of fuel to keep from leaning out. Anyone know what the gpm of a Nitro funny car fuel pump is??



Nitro can certainly be run in a two stroke but you should really adjust for it. Another problem with Nitro is the latent of vaporization. By pumping that much fuel in an engine, you are nearly removing all the heat from the engine through LHOV which is basically energy absorbed to turn the liquid fuel into a gas. Nitro cars rarely need external cooling because the fuel is doing it. This can play havoc trying to keep the cylinders lit since the air coming in is ice cold.



There is plenty more I am leaving out but all in all, you should really understand the fuel before you dump it in your tank. Tricky fuel to work with.






You got most of the high points there. :geek:


The last top fuel pump I fooled with ran at about 100 gpm - 150 gpm

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Since we have a local speedway here. Im going to get very boredwith thisidea in my head. Knowing enough about fluid dynamics to calculate how much air is flowing im going to be very tempted to "borrow" a friends YFZ for a few days hahahaha. don't need jets or anything just a TB and a fuel pump that I can belt drive off the flywheel ;). Oh and up the compresion a LOT. maybe ill just get Steve Abbott to let me build one for him. what yall think titanium rods. Im not going to mess with two stroke yet. tha much fuel would just go straight out the exhaust.

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Since we have a local speedway here. Im going to get very boredwith thisidea in my head. Knowing enough about fluid dynamics to calculate how much air is flowing im going to be very tempted to "borrow" a friends YFZ for a few days hahahaha. don't need jets or anything just a TB and a fuel pump that I can belt drive off the flywheel ;). Oh and up the compresion a LOT. maybe ill just get Steve Abbott to let me build one for him. what yall think titanium rods. Im not going to mess with two stroke yet. tha much fuel would just go straight out the exhaust.




What blend and what CR? I am afraid taking the CR higher than a stock YFZ will be asking for a bent rod if not worse. Nitro reacts much different than other fuels. Just an example is how well water compresses in a combustion chamber.





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