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Home made Bead breaker

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I was searching around the internet for a bead breaker because Im tired of throwing tire shops my money. I stumbled upon this and decided to give it a try on my Hipers. Went to Home Depot. Picked up one 2x4 for under $2. Cut off about 16 inches of it and used the rest as the lever. Worked awesome!!!! I would recommend this trick to everyone. In fact I think this should be pinned in the repair section.


Check this shit out


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ive tried that and it didnt work. ill have to try it again because i too am sick of spending $$ on tire replacement. ive been using the old drive a car over the side of the tire trick.. has workde well for me so far but i get nervous im going to snap the rim, lol

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haha. No, seriously, my rocker panel is fucked up where the 2x4 was pushing up against it. Dented it in pretty bad. Gimme a minute, I'll go take a pic of it, and post it.

I was talking to marinenyc! I believe you about your rocker panel.

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Awesome idea if your in a jam...but I'd still rather spend $80 on a bead breaker...should pay for itself pretty quick if you change tires alot; or pitch in and share one with friends! http://www.pitposse.com/atvbeadbreaker.html http://www.cyclepages.com/ProductGroupDisp...GroupID=5501636 http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_auto?url...p;x=14&y=15 http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/BEAD-BREAKE...3QQcmdZViewItem ( There's 4 url's...didn't know how to seperate)

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