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Trinity Head


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I am puttig a Trinity stage IV head on my Banshee and have a couple guick questions


-What are the torque specs for this head and what order do you torque them in.

-What type of jetting changes will I have to make

-Is this a good head and will I notice a pretty decent performance increase




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Not exactly sure of the torque on Trinity heads, but on most heads you go 5ft-lbs at a time up to 20ft-lbs. Torque in the order of the numbers on the stock head 1-10.


The performance you'll see depends on the size of domes you put in the head and the other mods you may have to compliment it.


With just a head change, in most cases you will not need to rejet but keep an eye on your plugs and do a plug chop when you think the jetting is close.

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My mods are pretty mild and the domes will be 18cc. I am hoping to make about 165 for my compression. I will be running 110 fuel.

FMF fatties

timing at +4

KN pod filters

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