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i bought some cylinders and cases from him and they were all screwed up!!! he told me nothing was wrong with anything and the cases had a chain break and looked like they were pulled out of a junk yard and the cylinders he told me were stock which they r not. so dont deal with this guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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We need a zero tolerance for these thieving people. I say ban them on the first time they screw someone. I also think we should block the classified section till they have been on the site for at least a year with over 500 post and become a premium member I'm sick of seeing people get screwed and with the economy in the condition it is people are going to rip off people more and the honest people are going to be really shopping around a lot before they buy only to get burned by some low life.

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We need a zero tolerance for these thieving people. I say ban them on the first time they screw someone. I also think we should block the classified section till they have been on the site for at least a year with over 500 post and become a premium member I'm sick of seeing people get screwed and with the economy in the condition it is people are going to rip off people more and the honest people are going to be really shopping around a lot before they buy only to get burned by some low life.


i dont see how thats a reasonable solution. im new here, but not to forums and i havent ever ripped anyone off... and 500 posts is alot, and a year is a long time. i go through alot of parts within a year. not all people are scammers just a select few assholes. obviously this guy 12mm. and for real just ban him. that seems like itll solve the problem of him scamming people.

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We need a zero tolerance for these thieving people. I say ban them on the first time they screw someone. I also think we should block the classified section till they have been on the site for at least a year with over 500 post and become a premium member I'm sick of seeing people get screwed and with the economy in the condition it is people are going to rip off people more and the honest people are going to be really shopping around a lot before they buy only to get burned by some low life.

come on j not everybody who is a newer member is out to get somebody.i agree on a zero tolerance policy though...the dollar lost may be mine.i have a feeling it will only get worse...jason there is a little spec of dirt on your pipe!!it looks horrible.....lol

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I agree that ripping people off sucks. But for real, what kind of regulation can you put on it to protect everyone? I can fix alot of things but I can't fix stupid. The same applies here. Use your head. If it is to good to be true it likely is. If it is a good deal and the person seams reputable then go with your instincts. I am sure we have all been taken a time or two by someone "slicker" then ourselves. Yes, it sucks. but we learn. Blanket bans hurt the population more then protecting it. Look at what the government does with their control. I mean shit, just use your head, you don't need someone else looking out for you, do you, really?


Just my 2 cents worth.



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I agree that ripping people off sucks. But for real, what kind of regulation can you put on it to protect everyone? I can fix alot of things but I can't fix stupid. The same applies here. Use your head. If it is to good to be true it likely is. If it is a good deal and the person seams reputable then go with your instincts. I am sure we have all been taken a time or two by someone "slicker" then ourselves. Yes, it sucks. but we learn. Blanket bans hurt the population more then protecting it. Look at what the government does with their control. I mean shit, just use your head, you don't need someone else looking out for you, do you, really?


Just my 2 cents worth.



well its one thing to read that someone got ripped off and then comment about it but when u r laying ur $$$$ on the line and expecting the other person to come through on their deal its another. All I am saying is dont deal with this guy


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Make it to where people have to leave personal info. to buy and sell make them attach there credit card number or pay pal account and personal info. like as a form and make everything required for you to post on the buying or selling section

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Make it to where people have to leave personal info. to buy and sell make them attach there credit card number or pay pal account and personal info. like as a form and make everything required for you to post on the buying or selling section


This is a really good idea but hard to implement, I really doubt Lee or Loco would want to deal with the liability of having everyone's credit card information.

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