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ready for port job

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Ok...you're right.

I'll let the others rehash this old thread, read your BS and lies, and decide for themselves.


If you had a legitimate gripe, customer service issue...fine. But you just came here to stir the pot...and here's the proof.

My apologies ahead of time to balla, steve and Chris.





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College? C'mon....grade school maybe.

I brought it up to show your reasons for suggesting not to go with flotek.



We try to watch eachother's backs here....something you're familiar with...only with lying involved.


I probably wouldn't want that old post (proof) brought up either if I were you.


Hell...michael Jackson and I have NEVER, EVER got along and we just had a blowout over the past few days, and even HE and I agree on that thread.


That's like the Hatfields and McCoy's having a family BBQ together, Republicans and Democrats back slapping and laughing together....oil and vinegar mixing....



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the only back you're watching is your own.. all you do is twist words to make me look like the bad person in this... and since when is this thread about me? i thought we were talking about port jobs


We were...

You just thought you could walk in and throw the shit around one more time...but you got shut down.

I'm done...guys have fun, and the link I threw up speaks volumes for anyone that wants to read it...



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C'mon, SpecialEd2222....

The others that have had work here by him are more than happy with it.

I'm not arguing, I don't have to. Like I said...the proof is in the posts, others can read up and make their own decisions.


You just came here to start shit...the members of the HQ didn't just get off the boat yesterday...and can see right through your BS.


Nice try...





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Yep...he was happy....but then...wait, no he wasn't.

He sold them as:


"cylinders run great....$450 O.B.O. + shipping "


I learned a little from MJ...say you're done, then keep posting. I think I'm gonna keep that trait.


I've got time for you too SpecialNeeds222, but this thread won't last much longer.

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hey look a fight over old shit!!! how many times you gonna do this mitch.... you aren't getting anywhere with it... look at it this way.... your better off to say nice things about the person you like than say bad about the person you don't..... obvisouly the "kid" mentality hasn't left and the "adult" mentality sunk in quite yet... grow up... get over it ... you refelct badly on things your connected too when you make displays such as this..

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everybody has their own stroy on what happened.... leave it at that... it's called agreeing to disagree.... and i might add mitch..... dave shouldn't have to PM me to babysit your ass anyway.... and what the hell is HOA? head of administation? if not that sure is a nice long title for me... bwahaha

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  • 2 weeks later...
I suggest, not to listen to the above post. :down: All flotek has to offer is awesome customer service, and amazing skills to finding what combo/port job will work the best with what you want to do with it. Who wants that crap....wait a sec :blink:


I will be making vids of my bike once it's done in about a month(or less). The thread starter can also pm me about any questions but i id rather talk about my experience here in the thread. I love bragging about top notch work and customer service.:biggrin:


Now, do any other builders out there offer great work, good turn around time and good customer service? Of course others do. We each have our own reasons why we went with who we did to get our juggs ported by.


To the OP, no matter who, please talk to various potential builders and see what will work best for you. I wouldnt settle for just a "drag" or "dune" port. One company's "dune" port might be anothers "play" port. Good luck with whoever your choose. :cool:


thanks! Yeah i will call around these builders you've guys listed for me. Yeah i'm looking for someone i can talk to and ask questions and someone who will help me with my setup and will get the most power out of it. thanks again

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