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FU@#in Pingel


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So i got a pingel without a adapter. I ordered an adapter plate from denis kurk for a banshee. The damn screws that came with the adapter plate were too damn long. I was tightening up the adapter and as soon as it was almost seated, about the point i was snugging it up. The damn screw bottomed out. I figured it was just getting snug so i continued to tighted it. next thing i know i feel the threaded part in the tank strip. I KNOW i was not over tightening. I faught with the damn thing for 45min just trying to get it out. finally i said screw it and just pulled the threaded piece and all out.


I thought great now i gotta get a new tank all because this BS company sends out screws that are 2-3 threads too long. So i called pingle to ask them if this was a know problem. He told me he had never heard of it and asked for the part #. come to find out denis kurk sent me the wrong adapter, the adapter was for a sportbike. I will never buy from them again!!!!


So i epoxied the threaded part and beat it back into place, got some shorter screws, and got it to work......I hope.

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not to steal thread, but since your talking about fuel tanks and such...anyone have a stock fuel petcock they wanna part with for a reasonable price? i live in central IN. send me a pm if you have one.

i have one u can have.. put i think it wont turn off.. cant remember

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hahaha, well then why the fuck would he want it???? :yelrotflmao:


pics of your girl or GTFO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Haha that was random. But Dennis Kirk has been known to screw up. When I was building my 86 tecate 3 I ordered a kickstarter for it and they sent me a honda recoil rebuild kit?! I called and was like WTF, They asked for the order number and replaced my order and gave me a 10 dollar gift card.

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