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all i have to say is that i have alot of respect for people who break from the norm, do something everybody scoffs at, and makes it work. i love it when people do alot with very little and it works. its easy to be just like everyone else and throw money at a bike. im glad to hear about your day, and congratulations buddy.

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thanks for the replys (justin, nate) .. the bike does rune good.. but traction may have been an advantage that i had also.. the bike is definately tuned spot on.. runnin 19cc domes and +5 timing on pump gas.. sounds impossible to do and stay in one piece.. but thats the compression/timing that i have always used.. you have to be exrta careful with jetting...

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As mentioned earlier shit is gunna get technical.


Assuming you had two 26mm stock carbs and one 52mm carb the 52mm carb IS going to flow more air because there is less friction loss inside the carb.


But of course, how can you argue that two 52mm carbs wont be better? You cant.


Then there is always the arguement of its easier to maintain and tune. Which is usually true. Less parts also means less change for failure.

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thanks for the replys (justin, nate) .. the bike does rune good.. but traction may have been an advantage that i had also.. the bike is definately tuned spot on.. runnin 19cc domes and +5 timing on pump gas.. sounds impossible to do and stay in one piece.. but thats the compression/timing that i have always used.. you have to be exrta careful with jetting...



Yes traction prolly was to your advantage, but yeah that thing ripped! Nice setup!

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As mentioned earlier shit is gunna get technical.


Assuming you had two 26mm stock carbs and one 52mm carb the 52mm carb IS going to flow more air because there is less friction loss inside the carb.


But of course, how can you argue that two 52mm carbs wont be better? You cant.


Then there is always the arguement of its easier to maintain and tune. Which is usually true. Less parts also means less change for failure.


there's no perfect setup that will work for every bike; even an exact bike with the exact mods, motors are as individual as people. I've done some testing back in the day with different setups and came to a few conclusions, all based on a stock bore/stroke ported bike; compared to the stock carbs, a single 35mm will have more lowend, smoother delivery and more top end. Is there power left on the table when compared to a larger pair of carbs, yea probably a little. On my bike, going from the single 35 to a pair of 30s (borrowed from a friend), there was a little loss in low, creating a 'hit' in the midrange with a little stronger top. I feel the midrange was pretty close but it built more as the rpms climbed. However, for my ride style and preferences, I didn't feel the little loss in bottom and less smooth powerband was worth the little extra top. If I was a drag racer, sure no prob but as a mostly trail/dune bike with some play drags thrown in, the smoother delivery was key for me, less tiresome after a long day of riding.


There's another factor involved. Bigger is not always better. To get a carb to work properly, there has to be vacuum. Have you ever been walking down an open hallway in an outside hotel or school or something; you make that corner and the 'wind tunnel' effect about blows you backwards? That's what a carburetor is doing and it's relying on the motors sucking power to create this effect through the carb, in which the vacuum sucks fuel through the jets. If you go too big, you will seriously hinder this vacuum and affect how well the carb can work, creating issues in the lower rpms with jetting (bogging, flat lowend power). There's always a happy medium and this varies considerably depending on rider preferences, ride style and terrain.


With that, I'm getting ready to try a single 38mm on my new build. I really had a hard time with the choice as I wanted to go with a pair of 28s or 30s this time around. I imagine later on, like summer, I'll pick up a set of 30s to try out on this one. I'm afraid the single 38mm is going to be too big creating this vacuum issue at lower rpms, at least until I get some more mods done to the motor, where I feel the 28s would've handled the current setup fine and grown with me as the motor grows. Oh well, we'll see.

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I was immediately impressed with my 2 into 1 setup. I tried a set of 33mm carbs and it would not run. But I do believe I had a bad carb. It ran good with the stock carbs but after I put the 36mm and 2 into 1 on that thing woke up.


I know it is my opinion but I like it.

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Your bike did run pretty well. Pelted me once or twice while I was getting dialed in. I'm kinda thinking the crap sand had alot to play in that though. I would have liked to see a race between you with a normal set of tires(no Boogers) and Jason. Those things you were running are taller too which in my experience has alot to do with it. Taller tire better traction. Those thing probably grow a little like my 4snows do too. Don't mean to rain on your single carb parade. It does run good. Until you line up with something that has better tires. Not that that happened. :biggrin:

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yea those tires do swell up i noticed.. lol.. hey dave, when you bolted those paddles on, did you notice how far behind i was?? not bragging, just sayin that, for what it is. it runs pretty good.. it really surprises the hell out of me.. i am running 19cc domes and +5 on the timing.. using pump gas, i am getting away with murder!! lol

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I dont think tires had much to do with it. If Wooley Boogers were such awesome tires why wouldnt everyone be rockin'em? That Banshee flat out ran. Out of all the Banshees out there Daves was the only one I personally seen beat you. I think I may have seen dragbanshee get you once but not sure. I still cant believe it had a 2 into 1. Either A. there is something to this 2 to 1 thing, or B. There is more to your bike than meets the eye.



I dont think differnt tires would make up for the lengths you were putting on people.

Edited by jugriggs
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I dont think tires had much to do with it. If Wooley Boogers were such awesome tires why wouldnt everyone be rockin'em? That Banshee flat out ran. Out of all the Banshees out there Daves was the only one I personally seen beat you. I think I may have seen dragbanshee get you once but not sure. I still cant believe it had a 2 into 1. Either A. there is something to this 2 to 1 thing, or B. There is more to your bike than meets the eye.



I dont think differnt tires would make up for the lengths you were putting on people.

not sure riggs, i think people are afraid to rock the boogers cause they look goofy as all hell!! lol.. this bike does surprise me.. its just the right combination put together.. trust me, this is just a stock stroke bike with a fresh bore (65mm) and i ported it myself.. it runs even harder on hard pack.. i would say that the tune is right on edge.. if i went leaner, or went higher on the timing, i would say pistons would start to melt.. with the compression and timing, it was tricky to tune for pump gas.. but it runs like hell and stays together for some od reason..

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I just traded my stockers for a singel carb set up. The only thing i have noticed is its a bitch to get dialed infirst threw third runs boggy and spits alot forth threw sixth runs like a raped ape seems to have alot of top end power but in lower power band not as much but then again its not not jetted right either. I hope when i get it dialed in it will run alot better threw all the gears.



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I dont think tires had much to do with it. If Wooley Boogers were such awesome tires why wouldnt everyone be rockin'em? That Banshee flat out ran. Out of all the Banshees out there Daves was the only one I personally seen beat you. I think I may have seen dragbanshee get you once but not sure. I still cant believe it had a 2 into 1. Either A. there is something to this 2 to 1 thing, or B. There is more to your bike than meets the eye.



I dont think differnt tires would make up for the lengths you were putting on people.


I'm going to have to disagree. I'm not super drag guy by any means but I have played in it alot. Tires are almost everything when it comes to drag racing in the sand. I'm not disputing the fact that the single carb bike runs good. It does. I'm pretty sure the majority of the leed you had came right at the start of the race. I could be wrong but that's kinda what I remember. Power isn't going to get you that in the sand without the right tires. Hell he was spanking me until I put my paddles on. My bike has got to have more HP than it does. I've done alot of racing in Mo in finer sand. My buddy has a 450 that I use to judge speed. He used to beat me by at least a bike. Then I got the same tires he is running and now I beat him by a bike. That was before I put the pipes and stuff on my bike. I'm not downing the Booger bike so don't take me wrong. I just think that if the tire playing field was leveled it would look alittle different. I think pavement is the only way to tell if you are getting absolute traction. Don't think we'll be doing that anytime soon though. I'm not sure Boogers are an awesome tire they just happen to be better suited to the surface we picked to race on. I'm done. :shrug:

Edited by dave5.0
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