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damn kickstarter!

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went out riding with a few friends today and went to start it and kicksrtart lever was gone..... luckily i found it. just put it in pocket until i needed to start it so i wouldnt loose it. Whats the trick to keeping it on??? what have u guys used? i tried a new bnolt cuz the threads on old bolt were worn were it goes by shaft and allowed it to slide off.. what can i do?

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i usually use a 12 mm wrench and just tighten it snugly. if the threads are buggered on the bolt, through bolt it with a nut on the back.or buy a new kicker if yours is all wallered out.

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the kicker slides on and off the shaft even with a bolt through it......i tried new bolt with a nut on the backside and it still came off again...



Sounds to me like the little groove that keeps the kickstarter on the shaft is worn out. If you just slide the bolt through the kickstarter it should stay on and you cannot remove it until you remove the bolt again.

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can i retap the hole with the next biggest size? would that work? or do i have to get a whole new assembly, shaft gear n all?


i dont see why that wouldnt work. just drill it out to where it will stay on with a bigger bolt. sounds like you need a new kickstart gear assembly.

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is the bolt wore out or the lip on the shaft?


obviously if its the bolt, it would be cheaper to replace.


if its the shaft, you could drill and tap for a bigger bolt and maybe use a dremel to cut a deeper trench in the shaft to give it a new lip. :shrug:



Im guessing the shaft is worn, I tried a new bolt and the kicker had too much play on the shaft and it just wore the threads down on the new bolt until it was flush with inside of kicker and came off again.... but yea im sure its the little nub thats worn......all i need is that piece, the bottom part of the kicker.... so if anyone has one.... lemme know.




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