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baware of this 370

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hopefully this is in the right forum, don't want loco to chew me out.




this is a 370 engine that is being sold here in arizona. a couple of weeks back this engine was on a white shee with a desert tank. the guy wanted 2300 or some thing like that. i guess he decide to part it out.


try not to make a long story. but i talked him down to 1700, i went to go look at it and rode it, the bike ran like shit and back fired like crazy. the owner and his friend where there.

i told the owner "for being a 370 i wasn't impressed and that a piped and jetted shee was way faster".

his friend laughed and said "your crazy."

i also told him that the bike had no top end,

his friend said that "i wasn't changing gears fast enough and that it was over reving." he look at the sprokets and that was the reason because it was geared for the dunes, front sproket was 14 rear 41. :down::huh:


this is were his friend made himself look like a ass, the friend got on the bike and took it down the street.

he was like "shit ran fucking good to me."

so we talked for bunch more, and i told him that "i didn't like the fact that it was back fireing."

the freind then open the gas cap and said. "no wonder the gas smell bad, it's been sitting for a while." and here is when he shoved his foot in his mouth. "thats probably why it's running like shit and a piped banshee seems faster".

now if that was true his friend would of never said, "shit ran fucking good to me." :huh:


there was bunch more shit that made me think this bike was shit but that was the jist of it.

another thing the friend also told me that the only way to tell if it is a true stroker 370 is by the spacer plate and that only stroker 370 have it. :thumbsup: :down:

i belive the owner name is ken. hopefully he didn't sell the shee to someone and is parting it out.


o yeah if ken is on here or his friend. DUDE YOUR A FUCKING CROOK.

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He must of got it sold it says aution ended.


i just called him and he told me it wasn't. the ebay post was wrong, something to do with a guy from out of the country wanted it and he wasn't mailing it out of the country. so he needded to repost because he put, outside u.s you pay what ever ship charges.

so yeah he still has it.

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I know the guy you are speeking of,He happens to deal with alot of banshees and has owned and rode many that puts quite a few bikes to shame.He usually rides them a few times and then parts them out.He really is a nice guy and drove half way from az to meet me with one of our deals.If you deal with him he is a really good guy and would never burn you..Not everyone is a douche because theire bike backfired.

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