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reed port

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is there a thread about reed porting andis it worth doing what kind of gaines would i get from it ... i am intrested doing this mod to my banshee do to i am to cheep to buy vforce 3 reeds can someone leed me to a good thread or guide to doing this bc i have looked around and also used the search and havent found anything

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is there a thread about reed porting andis it worth doing what kind of gaines would i get from it ... i am intrested doing this mod to my banshee do to i am to cheep to buy vforce 3 reeds can someone leed me to a good thread or guide to doing this bc i have looked around and also used the search and havent found anything

I really don't think it is so much the shape of the cages as much as the reeds themselves.



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I used a dremel and I carbide cutting tip to do the major work, then a flat pretty coarse file to help finish shaping it up then finish it off with a triangular fine file, But you can use anything that gets the job done... with the dremel really watch what your doing so you do take to much out it works fast. so what you want to do is use the stock reed petals as a template. on the bottom and inside edge grind it down to where the petal will just barely rest on the cage maybe half a millimeter of a little less. On the outside edge just basically grind off the lip. Then ontop grind it up about 1cm. or about 2mm. below the screw holes, then reshape theinside a little to get smoother flow because you created a drop on the top part. Then I like to use the Boyesen carbon fiber dual stage reeds or the carbon flex 2-stage reeds from vito's (theyre the same thing). Those reeds will cover up any little mistakes you made if you went to far or created a nick that you couldn't grind out because of lack of material. Hope that's what your looking for...

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