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OK, because Kanye West [see pic on link, lol] can't spell, all of us Americans are dumbasses?


You are making more enemies than friends, sir.


And "color" does not have a fucking "u" in it!!!!!!!


You Britts are real proud of your fucking tea and crumpets...



did you read it or just look at the picture raciest. i had no intent in pointing out kanye for not spelling wright. i was just trying to show you that like i said 2/3 of America is illiterate.

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did you read it or just look at the picture raciest. i had no intent in pointing out kanye for not spelling wright. i was just trying to show you that like i said 2/3 of America is illiterate.


2/3 of america is illiterate ? where was i when they took that survey , i never got one in the mail... where do you/they come up with this dumb shit?

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i don't know where you were maybe fucking somebody's couch


It's from Chappelle's Show.


Ok, so you don't watch TV all the time...what's your excuse for being so illiterate?


That's fine to be illiterate, but you're so accepting of it, lol.

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i know what show its from. and yah im illiterate. im acpeting it because i am. ive always had trouble in english class and thats why this year im taking last years english over again.


do me a favor and download firefox.. it has a built in spellchecker.


maybe you should spend less time on the internet and more time going over 6th grade spelling.


you sound like a fucking retard.. you accept that youre a dumbass who cant spell?


some peoples kids...

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you guys have too much time on your hands , bashing the shit out of this kid for his bad spelling ? must be the long winter , everybody getting edgy for spring to come .



spell check me i might have misspelled something .


its not esy 2 reed sum1s poset whn thy kant evin spel ryte. (That was honestly hard to type.)


It has nothing to do with winter...it's always summer in Florida.


I find it hilarious AND PARTICULARLY ANNOYING that people come and ask for help, when they can't even communicate with us effectively, then ACCEPT the fact and say that they are OKAY with being complete dumbasses.


If you don't want to take the time to spell check (at least obvious words...there is such a thing as being excessive) and use grammar, then no one wants to take the time to help your sorry ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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you guys have too much time on your hands , bashing the shit out of this kid for his bad spelling ? must be the long winter , everybody getting edgy for spring to come .



spell check me i might have misspelled something .



You did good man :beer:

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you guys have too much time on your hands , bashing the shit out of this kid for his bad spelling ? must be the long winter , everybody getting edgy for spring to come .


spell check me i might have misspelled something .

please, there is no excuse for the ridiculous spelling and absent use of punctuation. did you eve read the original post? this clown is on here bashing someone for being stupid, and not knowing what size domes were in his banshee, yet he can barely spell or put together a sentence that makes sense. and you wanna come on here acting like that? get real.


Not sure why everyone jumped all over this guy and are telling him to leave this site and stop posting. I've said stupid things over my time on this site. Not everything comes out the way you mean it when you write on a forum. I say give the kid a get out of jail free card on this one.

on a forum, where the main means of communication is by typing, spelling and grammar in general are very important. dont act like you dont understand this.

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