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over tightened and stripped oil plug threads

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For a stripped oil plug thread would you guys recommend a heli-coil or a retap. I looked everywhere and can't find the right tap.. i can get the bolt to sit a 1/8 of a turn past hand tight but it's freakin me out.. I don't want to ride the bansh till its tight

a tap won't put good threads in there, unless you go bigger. heli-coil, and don't forget the sealant. :thumbsup:

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Don't Heli-Coil it. The threads from it will stick up past the bottom of the pan, and won't let all of the oil drain. I say, just get a standard size tap, the next sixe up from the metric one, and just put a standard plug in it.

I agree, but I would get a metric tap. I hate to work on things that are both imperial and metric!



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Do not use a heli coil. Go to your local parts store and take your drain plug with you and tell them you want a one size over drain plug. They make them in the size for your shee and they are self tapping. It will make a new set of threads about a half size bigger than the ones there now and it will work perfect. I have used them on cars and several different quads.

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Do not use a heli coil. Go to your local parts store and take your drain plug with you and tell them you want a one size over drain plug. They make them in the size for your shee and they are self tapping. It will make a new set of threads about a half size bigger than the ones there now and it will work perfect. I have used them on cars and several different quads.

Didn't know they made anything like that! What do you do about the chips created by the new plug? Usually with a tap they are collected in the flutes if your slow and careful.



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