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boost bottle

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It is suppose to hold an increased volume of air inside the bottle, so when you snap the throttle from idle or any given RPM. The engine will pull that volume of air from the boost bottle into the cylinders...giving it more air which is suppose to help with a power increase.

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if you get a good one, the endoplasmic reticulum will positivly charge the ion gamma difibulator powering the flux capacitor sending your bike down the road so fast you will travel through time. so wear a helmet.

I second that. I didn't know mine had one and I thought I was in the movie back to the future.

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A boost bottle or crossover tube are there to catch the small amount of blow-by passed the reeds and preventing it going through the carb the wrong way. A boost bottle has more volume than the crossover tube and therefore supposedly better.

The reason they do nothing but destroy your intakes is that any air-fuel mix that gets in there is sucked out immediately by the other cylinder, so the bigger size makes no difference to performance.

Boost bottles work on a singe cylinder, but will only get in the way and give you grief on a banshee. :cool:

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A boost bottle or crossover tube are there to catch the small amount of blow-by passed the reeds and preventing it going through the carb the wrong way. A boost bottle has more volume than the crossover tube and therefore supposedly better.

The reason they do nothing but destroy your intakes is that any air-fuel mix that gets in there is sucked out immediately by the other cylinder, so the bigger size makes no difference to performance.

Boost bottles work on a singe cylinder, but will only get in the way and give you grief on a banshee. :cool:

i'm not sure how the rumor got started that they are supposed to hold anything, but they were designed by yamaha to absorb the return pulse on a single cylinder, thus dampening the double enrichment effect. the factory tube does a much better job by redirecting part of the pulse to the other side during it's intake pulse

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i'm not sure how the rumor got started that they are supposed to hold anything, but they were designed by yamaha to absorb the return pulse on a single cylinder, thus dampening the double enrichment effect. the factory tube does a much better job by redirecting part of the pulse to the other side during it's intake pulse


so the stock crossover tube equals out the airflow into each cylinder right? so one isnt sucking in 2x as much as the other due to a clogged up filter or w/e?

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so the stock crossover tube equals out the airflow into each cylinder right? so one isnt sucking in 2x as much as the other due to a clogged up filter or w/e?

it does have a balancing effect, but verry limited effiency and wouldn't help much against anything over a slight imbalance issue

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