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Very true. The problem with ethonal is, once it sits for a few months, it basically turns back into corn. It sludges up bad. Not a good idea to let it sit in your carb bowls while your bike sits over the winter. Really, if you store it for the winter, you should also drain the tank.



thats right gas has no shelf life now because of the ethonal

good point

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Fuel Station near me sells all sorts of fuel ratings, from 87-116 and everything in between. Then propane, Diesel, Kerosene, all that fun stuff as well.


And yes don't leave fuel sitting, especially with ethanol and 2 stroke oil...goes south pretty quick!

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all stations have 10% ethonal. it is even hard to get conventional gas (any gas without ethonal) at any termial around michigan anyways. just don't let water get in. the ethonal will suspend the water in your tank instead of seperating. i have pumped out many a tank because of that problem.

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do you think old gas can cause an engine to gernade i think now mayby some shitty gas is wat caused er to blow cause its ben fin on a 40-1 until latly its ben overheating and siezing for no apparent reason.i got all my top end parts on the way for the rebuild

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