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Oh shit moments


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It was actually something my Uncle did that I had to fix. He lost a chain and bound it up in the front sprocket area on a 4 mill cub motor that he was boworring until the 7 mill was done being built. It split the case apart and put a crack on the lower case area under the sprocket. Oil spewing out and he is stuck down a pretty steep hole next to box car hill in Coos Bay, OR. I had to go get the tow strap, and everyone at camp. We pulled him up the hole and out. Then went back to camp and I tore all the stuff off the side of the motor. I ended up heating the case with a torch and spreading jb weld over the crack. The JB Weld seeped into the crack and bonded to the aluminum. Let it sit a couple hours and he rode the bike the rest of the summer till the other motor was done. It definitely could have ruined the rest of the trip.

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We were trying to get a stock stud outta the jug, and my friend wanted to apply heat to it. I couldn't find my new torch, so I ended up finding one that looked like it was from the '70s. I decided I didn't want to use it, but my friend decided to go for it. I told him to walk 30 yards out into my yard before he lit it, but he laughed and walked in the garage and lit it. It was good for about 2 seconds before I heard a hiss and it was leaking out of the bottle:handle connection. The flame quickly dipped around it, caught the leak, and the entire thing was on fire. The handle was quickly melting, and I figured the bottle was going to blow any second. I grabbed the house off of the side of the house and put it out.


Close call...there was a few quads in my garage, John Deere, and many gas tanks.

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i was workin on a small lawnmower engine and it was pretty late and i was putting it together and i forgot to put the piston and rod in it....... pretty bad

lmao i guess tat's one for the "extra" parts bin, but does finnally remind me of one. i was helping mu friend put some teflon pistons in his f5 (arctic cat sled) i was working his domes with a dremil when he asked which way the pistons go in. i told him put the dots forward (no windows like a banshee) we went ridding and it was sputtering on the low end, then hit the powerband hard. iwas thinking "oh shit! did i fuck up the head?!" did a compression check and one was way lower, so we pulled it in a couple of days later. before then i was looking at one of his old pistons and noticed the difference in skirts on front and back. i called him up immediately and asked which way he put them in. "just put them in" sure enough the one was backwards, and stuck the rings. keeps up, and even beats some 800's now and it's only a 500 :biggrin:

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Talking about lawnmowers...


A bunch of us where hanging out on the front concrete step and my bro was doing wheelies with our ride mower.


He pulls up with the clutch down and is shooting the shit for a while.


His foot slips and the thing props it self up and lands with the blades down on my buddie's legs!


Man you should have hear him screaming and fighting the mower... LOL LOL awwww...


Lucky for him (and my bro) that he disengaged the blade for more power. He was almost a play it safe candidate for the local schools.

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I have way to many to remember :ermm:



the one that pissed me off the most was when i brought my raptor home from the dealer. This is within an hour of pulling it off the truck the night i brought it home. Had like 10 mins ride time of me putting around the yard gettin the feel for it. Got off it to get my lid so i could try it out, while im in the house I hear it revvin up, ran out to see my drunk as buddy take off down the street. 15 mins pass i see him pushing it back, handle bars laying on the tank, throttle, brake resi destroyed, plastic folded under, and ground holes in some spots, bent spindle. I was speechless lol he ended up paying for most of it. It wouldnt have been so bad if i got to get the first scratch on it.



another one I bought a use banshee, Was out riding it the day after i got it. And the left side a arms dropped out of the spindle :woot: I even checked all the bolts (so i thought) before i rode it. Everything else was tight just missed these somehow But refreshed my memory when i was laying on my ass at the slag pit by my house :down: It actually held for awhile didnt even rattle or feel any slop while riding. Hit 3rd or 4th gear hard and front left side dropped and dug into the ground. I definatley said OH Shit this time while i was staring at my bumper from an inch away. Ended up workin out good though, didnt flip just spun it around and gently tossed me off.


I have some working in the garage too :banghead: Ill have to post later

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quote;-You know you could have pulled out the key switch cut the wires and twisted them together until you got home then soldered them back to the switch man


ya i know but where we were gong they have trail cops everywhere and it saved a huge headackhe lol but probably could have talked my way out of it.

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This was a huge oh shit moment...


this was about 4 years ago, I was out in the shed working on my banshee, pulling the top end, my wife comes out, says "I'm pregnant" all i said was "OH SHIT". I bet all you married folks can imagine how that went from there. it wasn't pretty.

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I have 2 more that I thought of, dont know how I could have forgot


We were staying in a state park on a riding trip during the fall and we were camping, and after some cheesedogs and few beers we started doing some stupid crap around our site. One guy thought it would be a good idea to fill a water bottle full of gasoline and set it in our campfire. The gasoline started boiling and finally a hole melted on the side of the bottle and sprayed out like a flame thrower. The fire spread out past our site into all of the the dead leaves and headed for the trees. After 3 coolers full of water and a few trips to the hydrant we got it out before anyone seemed to notice. Scary though, almost set a state park on fire.


At the dunes one time a buddy of mine on his shee was racing a guy on a YFZ and as he was coming back toward us he started heading back to the left of the strip towards a tree line and there was this small berm where people had been racing into the trees and back out into the open and we are all kind of standing there watching and the dialog went like this. "Do you think he sees that berm there?" "I don't know but he is cookin, surely he sees it..." "Um... oh...oh oh no.. Oh no, fuck fuck fuck! OH DAMN!" and he flew threw the air. Anyways all said and done, we counted that it landed upside down about 185 feet from the jump, and bent the frame, and axle, and a arms, and blew a shock and just all kinds of bad stuff. Luckily he got away with only a bruised tail bone from landing on his ass. Worst part is, one of the guys with us had a video camera in his hand ready to record and didn't get any of it. :confused:

Edited by Soupbox660
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i have another one this was when i was riding, i was coming back from just fooling aroound and my bike starts smoking and i look behind me and theres this big line of something i have no idea what it was shut the bike down looked around here my coolant line that connects to the top of the cyclinder head came off and was spewing. the look on my face when i looked back was like WTF! good thing i had some coolant in the truck haha.

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I havee so many I could write a book haha



we were waiting for a crank for a week or two got it a used hot rod crank put it in bike all the way back togethr and riding it and pick up hot rods box and see the full circle clip for crank bearing :( got it all the way apart and put it in and try to set cases and like why won't it go on? OH SHIT its anlder case with only half clip on bottom half which was already in there when I took it apart.



fixing my dads bike got it together and running and wondering why it was smoking bad on one side. then I see the new crank seal I go to put in I he first time sitting in the cart



simple but PITA reed screw in cylinder



trying to jet bike for HOURS ove two day period oring om choke was not there because I forgotg to put it there



wondering why bike was running intenmitently chase down wiring for hours.....kill switch came loose inside aftr I just put it on


NOW for some riding oh shits



we changed the tires on a friends bike. his brother cam ofer and was riding it the next day after wheeling it and riding it at like 60 we look at each other and say OH FUCK we forgot to tighten the lugnuts all of them



was out riding the dunes wen over a dune slowly my friend just jumped. I get just over the top and ther is about a foot deep hole where my front tires are going luckily I had enough time to jump off to the side



jumping 20foot gap...... came out of gear just before the jump...... imagine the rest. glad it was just sand but my helmet bent the mid bad on my handle bars



jumping a nice long table top I have a whip guy driving on the other side on the table top does not my front right cought his right rear. I had a nice long yell with pablo mexicanoo who claimed no habla.



went riding bike was perfect I look behind me for my friend and noticee a trail of fluid. stoped and got off and shut off fuel hoping it was just a fuel line. it was oil I was like where the hell did iit come from? could NOT find the leak the just about to call my bro and see the clutch cover came loose haha and the cramk gear was throwing oil out the crack all over the place and it was only like 1/16th of an inch open

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