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How much money

92 Z71

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Really wouldn't want to add that up. I've spent more on my motor then I paid for the whole bike and I think I bought it for 3200.00 Still dumping money into it, I'll probably never stop just cause its fun and addicting. Like they say in drag racing " Speed cost money, how fast can you afford to go? "

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I have 3k invested. (John you spent your cash in all the right places. I love your beater)


I traded a car for the shee+cash. I rebuilt a 68 Fairlane. Cars were my thing. I only had 3k into the Fairlane. I am a honest guy, so I was not trying to screw anyone over. I built the car out of "hook ups" from people I know, it was a very low budget build. You can not tell from the pics. So I gave someone else a great deal as well.


The shee, has been revamped since then, and is now undergoing a complete change, Again. But with all the extra parts I have sold, and the deals I have gotten from most of you on here, I am still in the 3k range of out of pocket cost over all.


Regrets, YES. I wish I would have known about HQ before I traded. I would have gotten a much better deal.




Here are some before and after pics of the car.









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This is a depressing topic.


Isn't that the truth. I laughed when i seen this topic but like someone else said, "What hobby isn't expensive?" I have too many to count and they all cost $$. My wife reminds me about it all the time :biggrin:

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15 to 20K....easily.

From purchase price, to different engine builds, frames...etc.


That doesn't account for what I've swapped, sold, etc. from build to build...easily saved a few thousand there.


It is very depressing... I write off this stuff for taxes...but when you do buddy/buddy cash swap parts deals, that gets lost due to no paper trail.

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Why are we bringing this up in such rough times, just makes me want to cry. I'm just trying to survive in this Michigan economy. Everytime I look at how much I spend on my bike, it makes me sick. I should be focusing on my college education, not my bike, but damn, this shit is addicting. I need to slow down and realize that I am still in college and slow my spending habbits. :banghead:

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