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FAST nustwingers


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Don't even get me started on Charlie Ohton. If you heard the experience I had with this guy, all you guys would shit your pants.

Hmmm maybe we should start a new "roost" topic for ole Charlie.

We need to do that! Charlie is a huge d-bag and I would beinterested in hearing how he screwed other people over besides me. :confused:

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Just for reference, I called jeff today a few times. Each time I called he answered. Someone else was posting about him not answering or not returning calls. WHY would someone who makes a living selling things over the phone and on the Internet not answer or return calls? that doesnt make since. He makes MONEY off people who call him, or calls he returns. It's in his best interest to try and take every call he possibly can.


Each time I called jeff today he answered. The one time he did not answer, I left a message and he called me back within 15 or 20 minutes. That is not bad at all! Nice guy on the phone, he will Bs with ya about banshees and whatever. We talked about different intake setups, bla bla bla.


And I bought over $700 worth of shit from him today as well. But he didn't know I was going to buy that much shit so him answering the phone and returning the one call he didnt answer was genuine. I could of just been a broke ass tire kicker looking to waste time for all he knew. (i actually did buy tires though!) among other things.


If that isnt decent service, then what is?

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My point exactly...it'll be fucked up sooner or later.



Fagdejr you are nothing but a fat fucking loser.


Jared can tune very well... I've seen him take a cascade built bike, a K&T built bike and a FAST built bike and give recommendations on tuning and help the people change things and every time the bikes come alive compared to how they were running.


The big builders give recommendations based on their experience but most of them dont ride at the altitude and temp changes we do (can be below freezing in the early morning and 100

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He tunes so well you still ask for help getting your bike that used to be FAST tuned.

I've ridden my bike more than anyone by far. I have pictures galore AND videos to prove it.

And you can ask anyone that has said anything in this tread from MI...they will vouch I ride my own bike all day long.

In organized drag racing, heads up...skinny kids go on bikes. I am 6 foot tall, and if I got down to 180 lbs, I'd look like an Ethiopian and would still be heavier than the younger/smaller jockeys others use. I like the fact that my bike can run with some of the fastest out there and has....and that's proven. That's not me talking about what my bike ran when someone else owned it, etc. That was my bike, setup by me without even being to Gilbert...2nd place isn't so bad. Especially considering the competition and their setups...


Once again...you're clowned. If I'm so bad at tuning....maybe you should take your mouth off his dick, stop gazing into his eyes long enough to read a few threads up where HE asked ME for tuning advice. Here, I'll do that for you.


Here is a quote from your good buddy...his words, not mine.


"Your help with some of my problems in the past has been top notch, and I appreciate it. I would probably still be screwing with that set of methanol carbs that had .128 dump tubes in them if you hadn't helped me out with it. I'm not afraid to say that I've had problems with things in the past and asked for help."


And I actually thought that was quite humble of Jared to say so. If he'd quit bashing FAST for no reason at all...and stop spreading lies about stories he doesn't know about...I'd probably drop it.


So...now you're clowned, again. Fat? C'mon, you can do better than that?

I promise you this...you ever make your way out of the cowboy state (Hmmm...brokeback mountain...now I see where they got their inspiration, you two....)...c'mon over to Michigan.


Not only will I bust your ass at the track AND at the dunes... I will smack you and make you this fat man's bitch faster than you can say "FUCK...I sure am S.L.O.W."


Since you're getting a little agitated and angry...who's bitch and who's pawn are you now?


Thought so.....


And by the way...here's what I think of both of your tuning abilities....



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Is that the best you can do?


and you are such a frickin idiot you don't realize I'm asking about my HJR 4mil and not my FAST drag bike. Maybe you should practice your comprehension skills. I work on and tune my own stuff all the time. Me relying on big red to tell me what to do or do everything for me would be about as bad as you fast fags who can't take a dump without some fast toilet paper and asshole jetting instructions to clean up.


I'd rather learn on my own and so far my shit's running pretty damn good, but thanks for your interest in my projects.


I will admit, you're pretty good at running your mouth and you're going to have a comeback no matter what I say.


The dump tube thing was a while ago and I'm sure he's learned a lot about tuning since then, as we all do.


Thing is, I respect a guy who is actually out doing stuff, and breaking stuff learning, rather than running his mouth or swinging from some builders nuts and not knowing how to do anything himself.


WE all have to start somewhere, but the difference btw me and bigred is we actually get out and have fun doing it, you obviously get a kick off of bathing jeff's nuts in your slobber and bashing anyone who says a cross word against your beloved saviour.


BFD about my mini twister thread. Try your crybaby hq shit over there and it won't fly very long now will it. Perhaps you have some valid input over there, no wait let me guess "I would send it to FAST because i love the taste of his cock and he is the banshee God for whom there is no equivalent -Sincerely Fagdejr"



Turn your HQ nutswinger pager off and go back to bed little buddy. Tomorrow's just another day and we can do this anytime.


Merry Christmas! :thumbsup:

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Ha Ha Ha Ha...

I've broke plenty of shit, and learned as well.

Before you keep running your mouth, you realize nothing on my bike currently is from FAST?

Ok...I do have a clutch perch from him...so I guess that is why I'm doing all this nut swinging...

My 4 mil cub Jeff cleaned up by Jeff I sold years ago because I stepped up to a 10 mil.

Who's the clown now? Wait...I got my smaller air filters from him too.


I posted that thread because you two geniuses should know how the motor runs, how to tune it, etc.

You guys have tuned on bikes from all these builders...and are the kings of your domain.

Surely...with all that base of knowledge you don't need little old PS to help you describe what a motor can do, how it can run, etc. You guys know it all.


And I don't need to try any crybaby shit over there. Did you happen to notice the posts I've got on there and how long I've been a member? Another proof of your intelligence.


I can more than appreciate the quest for knowledge anyone may have. We all did start somewhere...

But what you continue to NOT understand is you two trying to talk down and put down a builder that has forgotten more than you'll both ever know....period.


As good as I am at running my mouth, I'm better at running my bike and tuning it. THAT is the difference between me and you two.


I don't have to try hard for the comebacks...with what you two post it's like open season hunting dumbasses. I don't even have to bait...you guys just flop open in the field waiting to be shot down. Shit...BEGGING for it.


Now we're FAST Fags...Gregrob...I thought you were just kidding about the whole thread. Someone's getting a little testy... Go open your presents...my bitch, my pawn....and have a Merry Red Nut Sack Christmas.....

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guess i should add that currently my motor is NOT from FAST. its actually a 10mm cub from redline. my nutswinging comes from jeff being a friend of mine who has always gone out of his way to make all of his customers happy.


gregrob, you sure are saying some mean stuff again now considering you were only joking.

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Yep...I guess we're not his pawns anymore...huh.

Sometimes the truth hurts...


Merry Christmas Tyler...and the rest of our FAST Nutswinging convention....LOL.


you too dave.. maybe we should plan a FAST nutswinging party one of these days.


gregrob will never have any bitches on this website, but our list of bitches sure is adding up. :biggrin:

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Ok... I guess I'll throw my 2 cents in... As most people know.. Jeff isn't my builder and he has never done any motor work for me. I'm not on the FAST bandwagon, and probably never will be. But....


Bottom line is Jeff has ALWAYS came through for me when I needed parts. He went out of his way to make sure I had them when I needed them.. Some times he took parts off his own bikes to get me what I needed so I didn't miss a trip. He's ALWAYS called me back if he didn't asnwer... Hell... he's even called me back to bitch me out for not leaving a message right after I hung up the phone. Jeff has never done me wrong so if I need something again and Jeff has it... he'll get a call from me.

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This...is an ALL TIME CLASSIC.


This clown has the nerve to call me fat ass...etc. We must really be under his skin.


Isn't this you at YellowStone? Or did you lift someone else's pic from MySpace. Please give me a good story for this one.

Please give me a great excuse...

Yeah, you're a roll model of fitness. A Jelly Roll. Now STFU Fat Fuck.







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This...is an ALL TIME CLASSIC.


This clown has the nerve to call me fat ass...etc. We must really be under his skin.


Isn't this you at YellowStone? Or did you lift someone else's pic from MySpace. Please give me a good story for this one.

Please give me a great excuse...

Yeah, you're a roll model of fitness. A Jelly Roll. Now STFU Fat Fuck.







hahahahahahah. he looks like stephen furst. FLOUNDER from animal house.


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