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Sorry no action shots, I was by my self & figured I'd take some pic's of the climbes(most of the steep ones are washed out & only good for dirt bikes)... I wish the ones wide enough 4 quads were sand instead of lime rock & clay, but there's only so many places to ride around here...the trails are back to usual all wooped out... I filled out paper work last yr to help doze the trails, they never called, when I got there today, they said they had cut backs even for volinteers WTF?


































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It was last year when I was out there last. I know what you mean about the woops, my suspension got a workout in the sandhill area.


Have you met the Ranger Al out there? He does photography as a hobby. He took some pics of me riding and e-mailed them to me, real cool guy. My sig pic is made from one of the pictures.


I'd like to go back up there soon, maybe some of us can meet up there sometime for a ride.

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