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Ok i put a post on awile ago and it was losing case oil and smoking out theright side everyone told me to replace my crank seals. Do i need to replace the crank bearings also when doing this?

If it was losing case oil then it would either be due to a worn or damaged seal or wear or damage to the shaft the seal is sealing against in the transmission, not on the crankshaft.


You can likely replace the seals without splitting the cases. If you want to replace the bearings that will require complete tear down and splitting the cases. I would only do this during a rebuild or if I thought the crank bearings were in need of replacement (in which case I would do a complete rebuild!).


I am not sure what this would have to do with it smoking out the right side. If it was the right side crank seal that could cause a lean condition but I don't think that would cause it to smoke excessively.



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my bad looking at the front of the bike its the left side sorry. it smokes excessively.

Right side/left side, still the crank case has no oil in it. Only air fuel/oil mixture. If your losing oil it must be from the tranny side of the cases (rear portion). Which would have nothing to do with the exhaust.



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both. cant stand losing oil and think smoking cause i need a top end rebuild

If it was losing case oil then it would either be due to a worn or damaged seal or wear or damage to the shaft the seal is sealing against.


You can likely replace the seals without splitting the cases.


First you have to determine were the oil is leaking from.


A compression test might lead you to determine if you need a top end. I don't think that would cause excessive smoke. This is a 2 stroke, not a 4 stroke. The rings are for building compression. There is no oil in the crankcase to, so blow by would not allow oil into the compression chamber. The fuel mixture is drawn into the crankcase prior to the compression chamber so its all the same. If it is white smoke it could be water leaking into that side.



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thanks i will check the compression this weekend. I havent found where the oil is leaking yet but yes it is alot of white smoke

Compression check wont tell you if you have coolant leaking into the combustion chamber. Oil leak could be a seal, a leak between the case halves. Could be (if its on the flywheel side) an aluminum cap that plugs the hole where the shaft for the shift forks are inserted. I lost one of these and had a slow leak there. It could also be the plastic cap that covers the shift drum.



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I was just on jeffs site i think ill go ahead and replace all the seals on the bottom end. that should take care of it and i know it will be fixed. I will also get a new water pump gaskett and replce everything there while im at it. I half to rebuild the top end anyways so i might as well do it all and do it once so its done right. Thanks for the help i appricate it alot

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yep id go ahead and split the cases and re seal everything. sounds like you have a bad crank seal on the clutch side which would let your gear oil get into the crankcase and get burnt. you should be able to check the condition of the bearings once you get in there. they may be ok.

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yep id go ahead and split the cases and re seal everything. sounds like you have a bad crank seal on the clutch side which would let your gear oil get into the crankcase and get burnt. you should be able to check the condition of the bearings once you get in there. they may be ok.

T Shee is right. I wasn't thinking about the clutch side crank seal. It is in an oil bath and could leak into the crankcase with the lower pressure in the crankcase during up stroke and cause excessive smoke. However, your leaking somewhere else if your leaking oil onto the ground.



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