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well this is a subject that people love to argue about, and it really just comes down to personal preferance.My dad used to build engines for dragsters, drag boats, pulling tractors, and he raced dirtibikes 4 a little while. both foam and K&N are great filters if u maintain them. a long time ago he showed and proved to me just how good they were and facts nobody knows about them, if your that worried about it then take it too a freaking science lab and let them conduct experiments on ur filters or something. i say just run what you think is good, and works good for you and just maintain them the way thats been working for you and thats it. this arguement is the same kinda crap as when people argue about oils and such, nobody ever wins the arguement and at the end of the day your just gonna keep doing what you have ben. Merry Christmas.

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ive got pods and would NEVER think of running them without outerwears. i was riding all day through silt sand small partical dust u name it i was in it. and i figured after that id need to clean my filters. not even just had to clean the outerwears some. the K&N's weren't even dirty enough to wast the time. i took em off a few days later to adjust floats, and not even a haze of dust in carbs. Ill stick with them but i have dual stage foam filters on another bike it works just a good no dust or anything too.

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