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rear bumper


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I like this one. Go to page 2 of the thread and you get some closer shots.

i like that one a lot too! i would love to have that just a little to expensive for a grab bar thats gonna get messed up on wheelies but anyway, i want this one plus its only like 60-70 bucks http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/AC-Racing-G...3QQcmdZViewItem

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mines a wide six pack rack style or whatever. i never really liked it until last weekend when i broke my clutch lever and had to push the shee up hill and through the woods to get back to the main trail. then it came in really handy to have the extra hand space to push

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I read that post you sent me blntdeyez when i searched in here i really like that one alot it looks tight. Looks like it functions really well to and donesnt have a goofy huge ass light


lilmegill727 thats the one i have when i buy a new one i will sell you mine for a good deal.


I wanted to try to find something totally different something out there maybe so.... maybe ill just half to have someone make me up one idk yet i keep lookin but if i dont find any ill hit ya up for sure blntdeyez

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I read that post you sent me blntdeyez when i searched in here i really like that one alot it looks tight. Looks like it functions really well to and donesnt have a goofy huge ass light


lilmegill727 thats the one i have when i buy a new one i will sell you mine for a good deal.


I wanted to try to find something totally different something out there maybe so.... maybe ill just half to have someone make me up one idk yet i keep lookin but if i dont find any ill hit ya up for sure blntdeyez


I don't make them Ban99 does. But they are a sweet grab bar for sure. Nice and clean.

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thats dope. whered you get it???........or did you make it your self?



Now thats what im talking about something different. Did u make that one up?



that looks crazy :thumbsup:



I wish I had the tools and skillz to make something like this. I came across it on some site a few years back. Pm me if you really want to know where I got it or the company that makes it. I cant remember off the top of my head, but I'll go searching my files and find out any info about it

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I think this the place that makes those




Check out there nefr bars, not my style but still really cool.




I was about to just add there link. Earlier I couldnt remember for the life of me who the hell made them.

Thanks for putting there site up for me Ban.

The nerfs look pretty cool but not something I would buy for my shee

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