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Glamis Presidents week !


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what do u mean watch em? you me littering?


No, I mean they are not allowed at all. NO GLASS BOTTLES. $75 dollar fine if you get caught with one and if there in a really good mood they will confiscate all of it. Just keep it in your trailer and poor it into a plastic cup.

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No, I mean they are not allowed at all. NO GLASS BOTTLES. $75 dollar fine if you get caught with one and if there in a really good mood they will confiscate all of it. Just keep it in your trailer and poor it into a plastic cup.




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Ah...you are wrong my friend....They do sell corona in the can....but to be honest it doesnt taste anywhere near the same in my book. We still take bottles and drink them at camp, but we make sure to not make it so obvious.


Def keep the bottles at camp. Canned Corona is not even close to a bottled one :down:

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get out of here really? I swear ive never seen a corona in a can here.. Maybe im so use to gettin bottles that I dont even see the cans... I just got some the other nite @ the store by me and I didnt even see cans.. Only the normal shit in cans... Thats some new, new's for me... Who ever is comin your more then welcome to come steal some coronas!! I will have plenty!!!!!!!

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Just buy a keg of Corona and use plastic cups...haha...Lowbuck will be there for Presidents Day...We are trying to get the HQ Raffle bike done so we can give it away that weekend in Glamis...Cant wait to meet everyone...Gonna kick ass...JB from Lowbuck Racing...

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Just buy a keg of Corona and use plastic cups...haha...Lowbuck will be there for Presidents Day...We are trying to get the HQ Raffle bike done so we can give it away that weekend in Glamis...Cant wait to meet everyone...Gonna kick ass...JB from Lowbuck Racing...



sweet maybe i will be bringin 2 bikes home :beer:

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Ill be there also ..

And make sure all youre paper work is in order title copy or something, we got checked at camp 3 times over turkeyday and herd they had tow trucks confinscationg bikes and rails.Make sure to stop by a vendor sweetmaries or in the swap meet and get an out of state pass. They are cracking down hard on everything. They checked our fire pit on 2 of the visits to see if there where cans or bottles in it. And truck passes also for camping they are really on point this year it seems.

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You will have to excuse my friend. He speaks about things that he knows nothing about. And the trys to play it off like he never said what he said. He's kinda dumb. Just bear with him. Just please let us know if you "find his Baseball".

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You will have to excuse my friend. He speaks about things that he knows nothing about. And the trys to play it off like he never said what he said. He's kinda dumb. Just bear with him. Just please let us know if you "find his Baseball".





and whatever you do....dont let him see your "FRANKS AND BEANS!!!"

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You will have to excuse my friend. He speaks about things that he knows nothing about. And then trys to play it off like he never said what he said. He's kinda dumb. Just bear with him. Just please let us know if you "find his Baseball".



please proof read what you write or even " edit " what you write..



Oh look I found the edit button my self.. Let me fix what you wrote.

Edited by #1banshee
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You dont drink canned beer? You had no problem drinking mine in Middletown. Oh yea I forgot that your a rich lil snott nose from the island. Now we cant have Sir Greg drinking from a can now can we. Its just that when I think im finished insulting you... I think of more and I cant hold back. You're just a train wreck and I love it. Cant wait to beat that 4mill in Glam. Even if ur running that $10.50 VP See you soon. LOL

















Dude you know Im just fucking with you. Now go throw a belt around your arm and give yourself a stranger. HOMO

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You will have to excuse my friend. He speaks about things that he knows nothing about. And the trys to play it off like he never said what he said. He's kinda dumb. Just bear with him. Just please let us know if you "find his Baseball".



So for every one who knows nothing about this comment. I will fill you in... I was trying to find a place to buy race gas.. Some people may know " s&k speed " I called and asked about a barrel of race gas they told me 54 gallons will run me close to 600 bucks.. Ok kewl.. " sean " was lookin for some too so I said sean 600 bucks split 300 each.. so the douche bag calls saying are you serious? You don't know nothing yadda yadda its over 10 a gallon.. I said no its not " joking around " etc etc then he starts to get mad I'm @ work as this call is going on messing around knowing its over 10 per gallon & so fourth i wont go any further into our convo but I think i got him mad plus he must of saw the for sale ad on 35's pwk's hahaha.. Saying i would be dumb if I got the drum yadda yadda.. 1) I work to many hour to find " The best deal " so I go to my race shop and I buy the barrel.. I just use my work's company name to get a discount.. 600 is nothing to me.. In the past month ive spent over 2 grand on all my shit i dont go out lookin for awesome deals..If I need it I will buy it.. So he called me out on the barrel of gas and callin me this and that...DUDE ITS FUCKING $ I dont give 2 shits about it.. I called jeff and ordered over 700 wourth of shit telling him add anything that I NEED onto my bill...& az your money will be sent out in the a.m for the reeds.. & for who ever is going to glamis you'll see how I am... I mess around a lot.. But for sean it's time of the month and he's bleeding thru his panties... Anyone have extra tampons for this gentlemen...sean on halllloooowwwwweeeeeennnn



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