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May be done riding...


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its time to find a job getting paid to piss people off, either post office worker or DMV clerk I think!




Some good advice here man, and I hope for the best for ya. Definitely do all the research you can and get as many opinions as possible, google the Mayo Clinic and all you can find on nerve damage (there's a shitload of information but very little real solutions). Doctors...most of them don't have a fucking clue, some do don't get me wrong, but they are few and far between. Most want to push meds or surgery or my personal favorite, mega-expensive electronic or mechanical implants. Fuck that. It's like that old joke about the harley mechanic and the heart doctor that owns the hog he's working on, the mechanic says "I do the same shit as you, I can replace the heart of this bike from the crank to the pistons, why do I make ten bucks an hour and you rake in 100k a year?" and the doc says "try doing it while it's running". The doctors know what they learned in med school and what they've seen in internships or practice, but it doesn't mean they've seen it all or know what it takes to fix any ailment...and surprisingly there's a whole lot of shit out there that nobody has any idea why it happens or what will fix it or anything. So drive on and don't get discouraged, good luck.

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Thanks again for everything guys. Its good to hear that your not the only one with problems. The funny thing is that this is the price you pay for being active, working hard and keeping yourself in shape. If I were a fat bastard and played video games all my life i might not have a problem. I guess all those years of going over the handlebars and big spills off the big kickers on the snowboard, 60 ft falls rockclimbing, 15 yrs of ice hockey and lifting things i shouldnt have cought up to me.


I just got back from the neurologist and he says the degeneration isnt the major cause of the pain. I had the mri done and it does show the degeneration but he says it muscular skeletal pain and still cant be fixed but can be "managed". The best thing is the look on the docs face when you tell him you work on trucks. Its like the look you got when you were 17 and you showed your parents your new tattoo or piercing. Priceless! So thats 2 docs now, still in real bad pain and 2 different diagnosis'.


Unfortunatley the banshee is still on the chopping block. I cant ride and then work on mon. If things get better then i'll find another one but for now its better off in someone elses hands. If it doesnt sell than it will stay stored in my barn. No big deal


Thanks again guys and sorry to hear that most of you guys are going through the same thing. This situation in general sucks but I guess like my tattooist always says, "pain is good, it lets you know your still alive!"



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I hear ya brother Im in chronic pain everyday of my life and our backs sounds like they have the same ailments but I have 2 herniated discs too. I rely on oxycodone for when Im riding and it helps you forget about the pain some but it doubles the next day and Im the type of person to only take pain meds when I seriously need them. If you take them everyday they stop working and you will have addiction problems so I steer away from both of these.


Good luck buddie and the best thing for pain is laying down and relaxing.

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