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Fantasy Football Help!

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well you dont have much to choose from. but if i had to pick id go for hightower. at least the cards may actually have a chance to score. the bengals suck ass. but my panthers are gonna beat the piss outa the cards. hightower may stumble on a touchdown though.

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well you dont have much to choose from. but if i had to pick id go for hightower. at least the cards may actually have a chance to score. the bengals suck ass. but my panthers are gonna beat the piss outa the cards. hightower may stumble on a touchdown though.


i agree benson sucks... and atleast hightower is a vulture and gets all the goal line carries.... damn bro u might look into free agents and see whats out there!



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Well since I'm really fucking bored I'm going to help you out.



Panthers have given up 749 rushing yards this season with 187 attempts - 4.0 per carry with 3 td's coming from rushing.


Houston has given 732 rushing yards this season with 166 attempts - 4.4 per carry and 11 td's coming from rushing. Which is ranked next to last to the chiefs.


Benson = starter/his back up didn't even get a carry last game.(28 carries,88 yards, 0Td's THIS YEAR)

In my fantasy espn he is projected to have 12 points total including 1 td.

Has only played in 3 games that is why his numbers are so bad.

He will get an easy 15+ carries.


Hightower = back up/3rd down back/goal liner.(43 carries, 130 yards, 5 Td's THIS YEAR)

Hasn't had more than 37 yards in 1 game. and my espn fantasy projects him to only have 5 fantasy points this game with 0 td's.

Only gets average of 8 carries per game.

A lot of the time cards play from behind so they tend to sling the ball a little more.



I say go with Benson he will get the yards and possibly 1 to 2 td's if Fitzpatrick can grow a pair of nutts and learn how to move the ball.


Also hightower had problems with fumbles in preseason and first few games but hasn't had any recently.

Thats all I got for you right now let me know if you got any other questions.





Must we not forget the hit he put on Polamalu? EDIT: The hit also gave Troy his 7th concussion.



Edited by kodie
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