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I have heard on some other boards about guys cryo treating gears especially 2nd. I believe the process is to slowly heat the part to about +300 or so if i remember correctly and then very slowly cool it back down to around - 2xx something or whatever liquid nitrogen is at. The idea is that the slow temp change aligns the molecules of the metal and removes any stress risers that can lead to a crack and eventually failure. Im not sure 30% is realistic, but i am by no means a pro. I havent had any bike parts done, but I have had several match barrels done on AR-15 target/varmint rifles. It is supposed to make your point of impact stay more stable from cold barrel to hot. I dont know what it would cost to do a tranny, but i think if you are at the point of needing it, you may want to just concider a billet 2nd. Again somebody with more 1st hand experience will surely chime in. wheres dajo?? LOL

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It's a quick, cheap and effective way of adding integrity and strength. As said, it aligns the grain stucture of the metal. All of our trannies are treated. Another option that's very good is something called micronite (sp?) treating but I think it runs about $500.00 for a Banshee tranny.

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I might give it a shot depending on the price. The stock transmission is pretty durable, but if your going to be dragging it, or just have it apart allready, I might give it a go.


Here's a bit of information from my experience. It is commonly known as "case hardening" in metallurgy. Basically, you heat it up to near melting and then "quench" the hot peice of metal. This leaves all of the molecules in a random order, with no seeems and very small crystals. This means, no weak spots. It works, and it's proven to work. Has been used for a long long time, but the faster you quench the steel, and the colder its done at, the better it works.


Im sure everyones seen a movie where a blacksmith tosses a red hot horshoe into a bucket of water. Same deal, except you use something much much colder then water.

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the tranny in my old drag bike was treated. i have been through every bad scenario with that override. it never failed .



And that tranny is in my 565cc engine now......with no failures. Although I do have a billet 2nd in there now!!!!!!


As said cryo treating does work...and work well. I would think it is something anybody that is playing on asphault should look into.

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