Hey guys new to the forum.. pretty new to banshees.. i have owned an 89 for 2yrs.. no prob other then carb cleaning. Still got 150psi.. ok so i just bought another 89 j arm $600 craiglist deal, was told it just needed top end. Put new top end on her. Cleaned carbs twice. Finally got bike to fire....But.. it will not idle and I have way more smoke out right side pipe the no choke carb side. The bike is 100% stock.. the carbs are stock, no jetting done. It has an air filter and the baffles and packing out of pipes. On the carbs only the left side carb has an idle screw, right side old MIC carb, idle screw hole isnt all the way through. What is my problem? Not enough spark? So much fuel it seems like right side floods and puts the spark out. The main jets appears stock, right side carb it has no numbers.. left side carb says 200 and 400? It will start and run for 5 secs on new spark plugs, after that initial start it hard to start and has too much smoke out right pipe.. carbs are synced, but should i resync right side to left side, since left side has the idle screw? Bypass screw and adjust idle buy top of carbs? HELP? PLEASE?