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Everything posted by BansheeBrian

  1. Damn. I was allset to be the chosen one to kick the chair out from under him. Bouncing checks is still a shitty thing.Let us know how it goes.
  2. I own a trout hatchery here in Connecticut. I cant raise enough of them so i have to import them from a hatchery in Pennsylvania close to where Meat rides.
  3. As of today there are no charges being filed. Erwin and Michael Jackson could open up the most dangerous day care in the world. I heard he had to sit out on 7 months of croc-hunter because he got trashed by one of those things. So much for an impeccable resume.
  4. Nice work Meat!!! Knowing that alot of bluetraxx members honor your opinion and knowledge must be a good feeling.You are honored here too at the HQ. Keep up the good work!!
  5. How hard is it to have a shitty checking account,anyway? It shows what kinda scum the dude is. Cant keep his shit balanced. Sorry this is happening to you.You know me Kev I'd show up at your house with a fistfull of presidential flashcards.
  6. It looks like two Harvard guys going like greazed weasels. Your cylinders should be o.k.
  7. If the dirt is in your scratches get up close with a powerwasher. Be careful of your graphics and decals.
  8. Be careful with cut fenders in very wet sand or mud because youre gonna get it up your legs if you go through at a good speed. The soup collects on you tire and whips it up on you.Youll be covered in no time.
  9. Yeah, my shee has the same problem. If it isnt bad you could leave it. It makes a good conversation piece. It does look weird with one sphincter lower than the other.
  10. I'm 100% with NYUK on this one. Dont freakin drink and you wont get hangovers.I dont drink or drug and i love my bartabs of only 3.00 for coke and water.All day riding your shee then drinking you will probably get dehydrated and sick as hell the next day.
  11. " my kid beat up your honor student" On a boarshead truck: " you may not like our prices but you cant beat our meat"
  12. I go through a tank every 3.5-4 hours with a few bullshit breaks. It's decent on gas and my wallet appreciates it.
  13. shoot a squirrel,call the girlfriend,make a jump or two with my backhoe,daydream of a 420cc shee and call the girlfriend....again.
  14. I have my very own secret giant sandpit that alot of people dont know about in Connecticut and love it!!!!!!
  15. Of course you can,just as long as the previous owner took care of it.Cheap parts wear quick and thats why some things are replaced with quality aftermarket parts.This is also to insure an enjoyable ride on you shee.Staying on top of youre jetting is crucial to owning a shee.This will prevent premature engine wear and will keep you running at peak preformance. If this is your first shee read and sponge up as much info as possible on the HQ.The search option can assist you with common questions you may have.Dont be afraid to post.I would much rather have you know the facts and not rumors about the banshee.
  16. Thats some funny shit duece. When the time comes there is a guy that builds street bikes and drag snowmobiles.He does the works.
  17. That all sounds good. I just dont want the kill switch to be the only way to start it.Someone could jam thier dentures,stick,stone or wedding band in there and split with my ride. I like the ground switch idea underneath. Nice touch.
  18. You all know i like to investigate to the fullest when i do a mod. I recieved a pro design kill switch for christmas and want to eliminate the key. What wires do i twist together to make this happen?
  19. Thanks. I'm just trying to help out someone who needs some pointers on banshee health.
  20. I got a chuck of coal that was hand carved in the shape of a boost bottle. I got a kill switch,riding jerseys,goggles and some winter stuff. One of the best gifts is the weather.It's going to be 50's and sunny for my Sunday rip at the pit.
  21. Theres a shee owner that I meet up with every Sunday at the pit and I'm worried about him blowing up.He runs 18 domes,crank is NOT welded but he does run 100% race gas.He has about a foot of bluing up his fmf's. I just dont want him to deal with the high expense of crank failer.Not very many people know it is good practice to weld your crank before using high comp. How long does he have till crank/engine failer??
  22. I did the same peg mod and just bolted them together without welding. Impressed alot of riders with that one! Keep in mind if you feel rich read over Meat's product preview on the pro-design pegs.
  23. Youre right Bizanshee they do make your ride look goofy. Holeshots seem to be a nice tire for allaround riding. Take a look at the blackwaters by ITP if you have a chance.You can get them in 20/12/9. They are a less ugly than the realtors and do nice work in mud.
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