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Everything posted by BansheeBrian

  1. a 2 into 1 setup can solve that. you'll adjust after a while.It toughens up the thumb to ride longer another day.keep the cable dirt free. Make sure where the cables split that the boot over it hasnt slipped or been damaged.Dirt can get in there and cause added unnecessary friction.
  2. I'm happy youre up and running again. I had the same issue with water in the stator.It raises hell. If you have had jetting issues with your shee go to the jetting forum and you will find help there.you can also look at the HQ jetting FAQ sheet. I have a cascade stator cover and have had trouble with the gasket.
  3. Damn,Led. This is shit news. You described him as a funny,sick-minded,knowledgable person. He would have been a blast to have on the HQ.Blend right in.I wish you and your family well during the the time of loss. Anything on you mind feel free to post.Alot of open ears here.
  4. It depends on if it is a closed container or it has been "breathing" for a month.If the container has been open the fuel may have lost some its potency.I dont think youll get a gascan full of terpentine in just a month.
  5. The ol'headsplitter. Never get laid again.It just gives the ladies another thing to point and laugh at.
  6. Looks also have a hand in marketability.If you can post a pic that would help.You have some nice mods on it. 6300? not sure need photo.
  7. Go to razorbackdesigns.com they might have something youre interested in.
  8. I agree with Mr.Matt.Increase your compression.Go for an aftermarket head.
  9. Sounds like a raptor crash i witnessed.I'm not sure what it is but those raptors fold up pretty well after a spill. Ruin you day in a jiffy.
  10. Welcome to the HQ! Now that you own one prepare yourself for one hell of a good time. If you tore down a 400ex and a tecate wait till you start wrenching and throwing mods on the shee! I believe your going to be an HQ lifer.Like some of us.
  11. Have not ridden a quad in 14 years and my brother got a shee when he lived in N.H. I went up to see him and he said to take it for a ride.I thought the thing was uncontrolable.That's what i liked about it. Same year of 02 I sent a check to him for 5200 and told him to get me one.Now It's my favorite hobby other than weightlifting.
  12. This young grasshoppa is reading and learning.I'm not married YET.If I do I'll make sure the wife doesnt find cylinders in her oven when its time to cook for thanksgiving.
  13. Can't stand riding boots.good ol'pair of beat up timberlands do the trick.No use getting into a masqurade outfit just to put-put around for a few hours. tits on a bull.
  14. Front sprocket is a little too open for my taste.Catch a boot lace in a hurry.Whats the fuel capacity for that sucker?Hell of a tank.The duckbill front looks wierd but if its a fast bike I'll get used to it.
  15. Bush is still trying to mop up the mess what the previous president made.George can look to his father for guidence.George Sr. has been there and done that.Behind the all the hogwash thats happening.We have our man in office and some don't realize it.2 more years and we'll have it made.Kerry is the one that needs all that "political jetting". He needs to find himself first.
  16. Sounds like Just For Fun is calling for a plug chop.do one and let us know.
  17. I have race cut fronts from them and it was a hassle to get them on.I had to drill those holes just right or the plastic would stress when bolted in.Once on correctly they cleaned up the bike nicely.
  18. Prove that you can get them for 325 new,Banshee0044.Stick to your guns Totav.
  19. George has got my vote.About damn time theres a president that is agressive and wont take any flak.I like the way the economy is going and it will get stronger.9/11 must have slipped a few minds.The "whats in it for me"crap should be put on hold.Kerry would be totally lost and if he took office.Give it a few months then those that voted for the guy will wimpering and simpering and want him tossed. Happy voting!!!!!!!!!
  20. Blow a crank seal if you want the same results ,without mixing.
  21. Good story Led! We here in Connecticut know how to fix pumpkin smashers.Fill the pumpkins with concrete,dry,and set them out at the end of your driveway. lil'bastards run the pumpkin over with their car and have to deal with a hell of an oil leak.That'll teach 'em.
  22. i didnt just have the biggest brian fart did I? Were you referring to me? I get them too.Just about as severe. Baking soda and a little water works good on corrosion.
  23. I'll be waiting for that ride report in 3 months.
  24. More oxygen in cold air. Molecules are compressed.
  25. Yeah, great lookin honeyhams on that black and white, Ducman. Buy a stocker and send the engine to Passion in a hurry.That is if youre an expirienced rider.No money shoud go to billet,headlight covers or anything.I'm pissed that I blew so much loot on petty, shiny stuff.
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