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Everything posted by BansheeBrian

  1. Thats good stuff. Too bad I'm older and much more mature now to do such things.Do the round up balloon trick.You can throw it out of the window of your U-haul at 40 mph.Pyro Zach's spayer idea is a good one as well!
  2. Phew! I'm glad it worked out. Enjoy your swingarm.
  3. Not in this case,aye? Not if the customer sends the loot.Once the checks in the mail, thats it.Brimstone has done more than his share trying to get ahold of this guy.Who's still VERY much involved in this transaction.
  4. I talked to the guy on CTrider.com a while back and he seems like a good person.A transaction is a transaction.You have to follow through no matter what if your the seller or the buyer. It would piss me off more than anything if a buyer wasnt communicating.This shit should not and will not happen on the HQ.This is sacred ground.I hate the sound of members rippin off other members!!
  5. That's all childs play.We here in Connecticut make "roundup"balloons and throw them onto assholes that care about their lawn.They are easy to make and get the job done in a jiffy without stealing stuff or wasting time over "hands on" vandalism.
  6. Is the mikuni stock jet supposed to be an inch or a half inch long? Is it supposed to look like that brass "nugget" i took out of my carb? I got sent some weird lookin 30's! I know they are banshee specific.
  7. The best case is they might throw on some more aluminum stuff but thats about it.I have also thinkin they should go out with P.V's.That's about it.Put the 86 and the 2006 side by side and see if you know the diff.
  8. It proves dedication to the sport you love most.It's like getting a tattoo of your girl's name on you.If decide to ride red you will have to cover it over with a big fat H! Good tat.
  9. Thats alot of bread for stock carbs.What do they come with?
  10. Keep messin with the tensioners.Check you chain by sitting on your shee.If it's too tight and you like to jump, tragedy will strike.Check to see if your chain is shot.See if it has "side to side" movement.A healthy chain means more immediate power to the rear and wont interrupt a good days ride by braking.
  11. As soon as your back home let us know how things went.I hope your recovery is a quick one!
  12. I'm 29 and soon its time to trade in the shee and get something more orthopedic.J/K.
  13. Sounds like your at the brink of aggrevation. Pull your stator cover off and take a look. Is the pickup coil loose? Moisture will raise hell with your stator if it got wet.I'm curious if you are grounded properly.I'm thinking it's the cdi.
  14. I heard this from my pal who is a school teacher.This one does not represent who i am. How do you make a young girl cry twice? ---------wipe your bloody dick on her teddy bear. Moderator:if this one is too tasteless feel free to erase.
  15. Good luck in your ventures.Anymore questions report back to the ApplianceHQ.We're here to help!
  16. Once you have squared away your jetting,in the future buy a Noss head or delta reeds.Pro-circuit pipes are inexpensive but they dont have the desireable low end of other pipes.They are cheap HP.They give your finances room to purchase another cost effective mod.
  17. Your dryer is belt driven off an electric motor.Pull it away from the wall and look in back.You may have to remove a plate or two to get to the belt and motor.Check the belt tension and repalce if loose or warn.Wake up that fat lazy ass maytag repairman and have him fetch you a new one.
  18. Can't wait to see what the shirts look like! It's good that the money is supportive of roostfest 04.
  19. They made my PC piped shee alot less jumpy and the lightswitch affect isnt as harsh.There is a bit more power when you use the V-forces.Great for 3rd gear starts for draggin your friends.
  20. Thank you gentlemen. I will be taking a closer look at it this afternoon.The pins have some rust and I noticed I'm missing the plastic "coin" that seats inside the piston.Both pads disintergrate equally.Thats all i know for now,till later. Sounds like a plan Tim.I hope i can get this problem resolved so you dont have to make the drive.Hell,but if you show up we're going to the sand pit!
  21. I heard that pantyhose works well over the airbox as well in sandy conditions.I dont think you can get it at RMATV.Maybe from your local stealership!
  22. I dont know what to do about this.Every ride at the pit i go through a set.The sand has the consistency of peanut butter and it grinds the pads down in 5 hours.How do you deal with wet sand and break pads? Is there something i can do about it?
  23. One gallon an hour on a stock tank.5th and 6th gear really drain it in a hurry.
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