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Everything posted by BansheeBrian

  1. After a tough day of riding it's flattering when the friends rely on you to load up the quads. Some weights and good ol'farm strength pays off. I can't stand wrenching a bolt too much so the head pops off. find some old pipe wrenches and grind the teeth out so the jaws are flat.This is so you get the job done and don't mangle the axle nuts.
  2. Ronnies.com works well for stock parts.
  3. Are you absolutly, positively frickin sure it's gas?Have you split the cases on that engine before? The way I'm thinking there may be a gap between the cases at the divider between the crank and the tranny.Pressure is pushing it through. shit, this one has me.
  4. Plop it in the middle of a busy 4 way intersection. Knowing me I would curl the thing up inside one of my many stock tires.
  5. alot of goons think general discussion is the repair and mod forum. That don't help ahellofa lot. If you wanna hear a racket, bash Boony!
  6. Your comp. will go higher once those rings make themselves comfortable.At 155 do youre heat cycles and do a compression check and keep a sharp eye on your plugs.160 is the magic # for 50/50 race mix.
  7. ATF type F seems to be a favorite.I have not heard anything bad about it. Too much tranny oil may cause some slippage. may want to stick with the 1.8qt or for just a change 1.6qt.
  8. Yeah Stan,put an apple in it's mouth and one of those turkey poppers to tell you when the dog is done. nice touch.
  9. I hope there wasn't too many people around when you let out that bloodcurling scream when you saw the sticker. It's gonna be a bitch trying to sell the radiator shroud with that 2nd-3rd degree burn mark on the top!
  10. I will be at the Monson hillclimb on Sunday.My buddy is competing in the 125 class.If you have a chance stop by and shoot the shit.Another friend of mine will be shooting it in the quad open class with his shee.
  11. I played barber shop with the one i have on my 02' and need one.I also need the parking brake sensor wire and the front brake light switch sensor.All plugs must be intact.
  12. Allright man, Soak the filter in kerosene as it sits in the kero push it around to help get the dirt out. Take it out,squeeze out kero then shake out any extra.Using a rag squeeze the foam filter with the rag til no kero shows on the rag.Then using your favorite 2-stroke oil lightly coat it and you're good.
  13. yeah I'm with Sredish on this one.Keep your left riding glove off so you can feel the head temp. as you warm up. Idle for a little while then lightly blip the throttle.Warm up is important ,especially if you have forged pistons.
  14. Not an honest mistake. George Michael's auction.
  15. Yeah, Try not to overtighten your plugs.The washer can only take so much abuse.Once it's flattened it can't do its job.When you try to reuse the plug it will want to back out on ya.Finger tight, then just a little more with the wrench.
  16. Thanks Formulaspeed. This is encouraging. I freakin out over this. I almost said forget it and bought a whole new wiring harness for it. I will keep trying and see if i can get it. This whole thing gets me in the dumps. I have to ride next weekend!
  17. I just did a simple rebuild with wiseco's. I think I cut some important wires though when i tried to rid my shee of TORS wires.Now it wants to run but will crap out when i touch the throttle.I eliminated the TORS wires that go to the throttle and the front brakes. I also cut the TORS wires that lead to the carb tops.Something is telling the shee not to rev. I have been troubleshooting this for a while and for the life of me can't figure it out.Next weekend i have a big ride and I'm stuck with this. Yep! I'm bitchin'!
  18. Before the timing plate it didnt run too good because of bad/broken rings.Now there is a strong spark and it wants to run but has trouble when i push the choke in when warming it up.It cuts out when the choke is in.My tubes are there,the slides are right,jetting should be there,fuel is getting delivered. I do notice fuel leaking out of my left carb though....Hmmmm. I did remove a bunch of TORS wires and maybe I got a little happy with the snips and cut something important or something needs to be grounded. Aggrevated..
  19. Got it solved. I tell you one thing that plate is a tight as hell fit over the crank where it seats.Geez!. It sparks right on schedule but still runs terrible.On cold start when i push in the choke all the way in it wants to die but when i leave it at half choke it smokes a bit but still runs.wonder if 2 1/2- 3 week old fuel has anything to do with it?My comp. is at 156. Man,going from one thing to the next.
  20. I'm working on this right now.I did not mess with the coil.I didn't think it needed to.The firing was crap when i kicked her.Maybe I'll advance it slightly and see what happens.Be right back.... I'm treating the forum like it's chat n' shit.
  21. Kasea Skyhawk mini 50. Missed the important one Ben!
  22. Just recieved a Rickystator stator and timing plate.I adjusted the timing plate to the mark -0- is where the cases meet,at the split. I try firing it up and It's way off the mark.I have a fresh top end and don't want to botch it up. Should that -0- mark be in a different spot? I was thinking it should be at or above the casting "tab" on the upper case. This isn't cool.I'm almost ready to ride again.
  23. Warriors are eternal thumpers.They won't quit.When I have a chance I like to ride my friends warrior around the pit for a few minutes.Everything happens fast on a shee and I like to take it easy for a few minutes and ride it. You can beat a warrior pretty good and it will still run. Does Honda build em'?
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