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Everything posted by BansheeBrian

  1. Sorry to say but if certain riders are not warned about trespassing they will think its a riding spot for their use.Once you turn up the heat they will leave. You can still visit the BHQ anytime.Just because you sold the shee doesnt mean you have to haul ass.Just think you might find interest once again in the future!
  2. Not here my friend you are a number Or A.K.A Sredish! At 13000 members that would be one hell of a BHQ ride.
  3. Any work done to the engine?What bore? Sounds like a deal if you know what you want off it is worth the investment.When you look it over again calculate how much you can get for the stuff you will part out.Then decide.I'd like to see a pic of this shee so the value can be determined from a professional point of view. LOL
  4. How about reaching in there trying to get a plug out when EVERYTHING is hot! I still have a burn scar on my forearm from it.It's that one bend in the pro-circuits that brand you.
  5. What bothers you about it? Gives you the creeps,heebie jeebies,jitters,shakes,squirms,skeivies,shivers?Lucky it aint a sportraxx!
  6. I think it's good that we do have some young members that are inquisitive and are willing to know how the banshee operates.As long as they keep it real and don't ask if the tooth fairy is a clepto or what to do with their first woody. These will be the next generation of HQer's that will aid in those that don't know jack about the shee.Inside or outside the BHQ.
  7. piss me off something fierce! I bought a wiring harness for an 01 for my 02 shee and the frickin jacks are different on the CDI and for the light swich.Whats Yamaha trying to accomplish?Why did they change the damn plugs!This really burns my ass.I'm so close to riding and this bullsh*t had to happen. I should have peeped the back of my clymers manual before i started ordering harnesses!A little thing like wiring is keeping me from hillclimb competitions. I'm having trouble tracing wires with the diagram because i get pissed quick! It is my own fault i played barber shop with my wiring trying to eliminate the lighting and TORS.I'm kicking myself in the ass so hard I'm losing teeth! ----O.K I think I'm done now.thanks.
  8. Seals are best to be replaced by new ones.Your clymers should help you out a bit.
  9. Make sure you're your jetting is good and where you race decent traction is available.Start in the highest gear you can and you'll whoop em'.
  10. We'll see if the loser shows up on the BHQ again.He may try to use a different screen name and not have a stitch of info on his profile.Got an E-mail address? I'll ask him whats going on.
  11. It all depends on who you're taking out and what restaurant.If you want to go cheap have them over the house for Dinty Moore and a biscuit.Expect 25 per person if they like to drink.It adds up quick when they have a before dinner drink then appitizer then main course with wine then dessert.Then 15% tip to the waiter or waitress. I spend big when i go out for a good dinner.I make sure the family and friends get taken care of and if they say they had a good time and the food was excellent than i know i did a good thing.I'm not a cheap bastard.
  12. To me it sounds like the labor ate you alive more than anything.It's good to hear you're back in the sand.Keep an eye on your compression.
  13. It's worth the investment.Make sure you get both pipe and silencer.Now that you have messed with the exhaust, increase air movement and rejet.Keep up on the packing as well and you're good to go.White bros E series do exceptionally well on 400ex's from what i know.
  14. I knew a guy once that took the nut sack from a buck he shot and put it on the 4x4 shifter on his pickup Thats funny as hell.
  15. The damn thing spat antifreeze on my leg like a new puppy.
  16. Does Becca know that you dumped her for this other gurl? You may have soured both flowers with this one.Let the "tall gurl" do what she wishes.If this guy she supposedly likes turns out to be what she doesnt want than shes yours,ma man! Trying hard to get a gurl to like you show weakness to her especially if she recognizes it.Maintain your dignity!
  17. This is crap.2004LEbanshee is a good dude and honest.I'm pissed that this is happening.3 weeks is a long time.
  18. It has something to do with the design of the engine to make it a more efficient HP producer.Sure any bonehead can add premix to a standard 4-stroke but there is something different about this engine.I'll see if i can get details.Just thought I'd share.
  19. Saw something interesting on OLN. Stihl came out with a 4 stroke engine for a weedtrimmer that runs on two cycle premix.Thats a strong lil'bastard of an engine! It's light too. I wonder what it would do for the ATV world?Treehuggers would love to know this. Anyone have further info on this?
  20. 7 was the best thats why I have Sepheroth as my avatar.In my opinion he was the badass of the game not Cloud.
  21. Umm. I try not to spin my tires on asphalt. It's alot of stress on the shee.If youre gonna do it use stockers or some other cheapo's.
  22. Good deal man. Sounds like a good hobby shee for you.Always check in with the BHQ if a question arises.The BHQ is a lso a good place for parts without having to out bid someone.
  23. An item that cannot be ignored.Good to know nothing goes to waste at the kangaroo slaughterhouse.
  24. freakin loser.Some half-wit is going to bid just for shits n'kicks then not pay and the seller is going to leave bad feedback. Wonder how steep the shipping charge is??
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