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Everything posted by BansheeBrian

  1. Got a bud who has the 400 and it seems to erupt off the line when you hit the gas. I'm gonna race him and find out how tough the motor really is.
  2. Damn. This thread has me thinkin rockets.
  3. It always sucks when you bang up the shee. I hate it and I'm in a mood from hell till it's operational again. I'm not big on wheelies. Hope you get the shee going soon!!! E-bay is calling!
  4. If you can find a cheap set of 2's, go for it. Not much of a diff from what i understand.
  5. I had a 17/41 going for mine and it pulled it even in the higher gears but I got chicken shit to throw it in 6th. Gotta have some balls to pull a 17.
  6. That place looks great! If it's close to you're house you got the good life. Those hills look good enough for a few friendly drags.
  7. I got a black and white 2002 stocker ,stock bore,stock everything for 3800 here in Connecticut.
  8. Welcome to the BHQ! Dude,you are going to learn so much stuff about your shee it will amaze you. It's almost like have a pen and paper ready. Any mods on the 2000 you have? If none,THERE WILL BE!!!!
  9. Good stuff Led. You always come up with great material when needed!
  10. Well........I tried to piece that one together but not happenin'. How did this dude aquire 1295 posts? Hey Quadding is there a punchline to this?
  11. That's damn good news! Yeah, keep messin with the airscrews and you will have immediate throttle response and feel some serious torque. It's no joke. Trust me.
  12. If it's been sitting for a few months, before you threw in sone fresh fuel did you drain the carbs? I can think you might of had oil/fuel seperation in the bowls.The oil will make the float valve act strange which could lead to your drip. Check to see if you're carbs are out of synch.Whenever the slides are pulled out for any reason they must be synched.Everything on both carbs must be the same as far as needles,mains,pilots and airscrews.
  13. Got a pic? I'm interested. If your willing to trade a little to bring the price down I have black plastics and other stuff.
  14. This one looks really pissed off.I've been tracking the bastard for a week on NOAA.com and I'm happy i live up here in "taxland".The big blow job is supposed to hit your area Saturday morning and cross diag. and lean into Georgia. Problem is that we have no fronts to push Frances away form the states.That thing will strengthen some more because the water it's over right now is warmer than a kiddie pool.
  15. 45 pilot with a 172 main and the needle in the middle makes this motor mean.Plugs still look great on a chop.Here we are banging our heads against the wall fighting the carb spring and all it is is the friggin' pilot and an airscrew adjustment! Don't you just love banshees!
  16. I'm ready for the next Coalfest.Whatever it takes to keep the coal company happy.Cleanup is not a big deal and i believe that can be done with a cohesive effort from all rider there.
  17. If you got one let me know and what price.
  18. Well..The "farm girls" handle my needs when necessary. Now that I'm 30 in the swap and trade forum you will see "Need Kodiak willing to trade banshee" j/k. These rickety bones are having a tough time. I'm starting to feel the pull of gravity a little more at 30 years of age. Things even look different.
  19. When I rode today the slight bog was still there but not as bad. When I turned in the airscrews the bog almost disappeared. This motor wants air!
  20. Been a kick ass day. Went riding this morning and had my first expirience with the Passion stroker on pavement and it flew.Went home,went waterskiing and tore up the slalom course.Then got home and ate jumbo shrimp and and a porterhouse.Got alot of $$$ gifts and now to finish the night I'm on the BHQ! Couldn't be better!
  21. Ahhhhh shit. I thought he was talking about aluminum.
  22. Anyone try a pilot larger than 50? Just wondering. I'm running 50 pilots 175 mains airscrews out 1 turn and needles in the center notch on the 35's. I know that I'm rich on the needles at the moment but as 23Champ mentioned this is a trial and error issue.Those carb spring drive me insane but if I remember Holyman or someone used zipties to hold em'.Well...back to the garage for some more tinkering.
  23. It's good to see that shee out of "the gates of hell". I was in your neck of the woods last weekend at the airport/meriden dump riding around.Tough place to ride with all the whoops. I'm happy you made the mag and i will try to find it at barns&noble or somewhere.
  24. I really don't mind BT all that much. Some of the folk in the banshee forum have a tough time with things so i help them along the best i can. I have no "beef " with that site. Sure they talk shit about the HQ once in a while but hell,jelousy is best form of flattery in my book.
  25. Just be sure to give David at Noss Machine a ring when you get it!
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