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Everything posted by BansheeBrian

  1. It's this Sunday. I'm not big on riding in the frickin' rain though. Theres nothing I'd like better than to get a mess of HQ'ers together for a few hillclimb events.That would kick ass.
  2. I figured I'd get a few of you fired up. Don't worry I have a cabinet of "thundersticks" in my basement under lock and key. I don't need to carry one because I don't need a felony charge for shooting some bastard for the wrong/right reason.You pull the trigger on someone you better brace yourself for court.Lawsuits related to firearms are too common these days.I don't need the hassle. "from my cold dead hands"
  3. Totally worth the suds on the crank rebuild. Be sure he has all specs and tolerances and make sure you're neighbor is there to walk him through the process.
  4. Sometimes I forget the important things that count.
  5. Not as good as i wanted to do,lets say that. This stock swingarm thing isn't cuttin' it.I ran against quads with $15,000-20,000 dumped into them.These dudes have been in the circuit for years and years and know the climbs like the back of their hands.I ran against all the old school climbers.There were no newbies like myself there and I felt intimidated and weak. They were up my ass when I first showed up and wanted to pry engine info out of me. I guess that initiation. I plan on giving them hell at Monson! Some of the riders told me I was smokin like crazy when I first shot off the line but cleaned up a little when i was on the pipe.Still didn't feel right though.
  6. Most dudes that carry guns are pussbags that dont know how to fight and talk big when challenged.When you pull a rotties teeth he aint nothing more than a heel hound. Can't stand people like that.Be a man without the gun.
  7. I hope Noss Machine isn't in jeopardy!
  8. My brain is fried at the moment but: Are you supposed to hook a balance tube to the 35's? Or are they to run individually.
  9. Damn ,I knew I should have posted this earlier.It would have been great to have some riders from the HQ there. Monson is next weekend. It was a zilla and shee show at Greenfield. If you guys are bored next Sunday head to Monson. Monson is the last climb of the circuit for the year and even if you don't climb watching is almost as great!
  10. In Greenfield, Mass. there will be a hillclimb event. Reg. is at 9:00-9:30. You can use anything in your arsenal to get the fastest time in your class.You have to sign up with the AMA and 10.00 to climb.You'll see me with the white banshee. Quad open class(banshees,zillas) starts around noon after the bikes.You must have a killswitch,boots higher than youre ankle and helmet.
  11. Those VP drums are the way to go.Keep them in the garage or barn to keep them cool.
  12. I use a DR sicklemower and I'll get a friend using a ballsy weedwacker with the sawblade attached to it.Trails are a breeze. Toomey Banshee has the right idea but weigh that fence down a well as you can.
  13. It's one of those pain in the ass bogs right off idle.It's just a minor one but enough to matter.I've been trying to shake it from the start.I'll mess with it this afternoon.My pilots seem just right because it doesnt loadup the way it used to. This next climb is all sand. "trial and error...trial and error"
  14. I gotta get this small bog out now! I have a big climb Sunday in Mass. and this hessitation will botch my times. The last climb on the circuit is in Monson,Mass and the the one that places first gets $CASH.
  15. Welcome to the BHQ! You can do a chop in 5th if you can. You want to achieve the best reading possible.Never shortcut a plug chop. Those are critical to the life of your motor.A lean condition on the mains scares the crap out of most banshee owners.
  16. That will work. I go the cheap way out and throw down a few aspirin like the pros.
  17. If I recall Duece mentioned that he has his delta reeds set so they open right up. Notice how we all have 35pwk's. Hmmmmmmm.
  18. Forget work. Tell the bossman you got 24 hour malaria or something and go riding. Our banshees used to sound like the bell at highschool and with your help you stopped that ringing in our ears with youre "kickstart cure". Happy Birthday!
  19. Shit. Pull it off and as your cleaning in there check for damage.Well.. Gives you an excuse to get yourself a lightened flywheel.Hurry up with the repair so you can continue the Passion jetting topic. Is you're pick-up coil shot?
  20. Time to pull the cover off and have a look.You could have fucked the stator,pick-up coil or the flywheel.All not good. Give the stator a resistance test to see if thats the culprit.
  21. Depends where you live but Ronnies Mail Order has a big inventory of plastics.
  22. I have the same mod on mine. That Yamaha steel is soft as butta. I just give the peg teeth a quick grind once in a while for grab because it wears down easily. Beats giving Pro Design 220 bones.
  23. .5 turns out on the airscrew with 45pilots 172 mains needles in the center.Now, with the airscrew .5 turns out that NORMALLY means I have to bump up the pilots one notch.My mains are straight. Loco, how did you make out with those different size needles? better results?
  24. I have a C-hair of a delay in off idle response I've been trying to shake but it's not as bad as it used to be. This is not a good thing for dragging and it hurt me at the hillclimb comps. Does you're motor like it when the airscrews are almost all the way in?
  25. Hell,I used the jetting FAQ today just to freshen up on the 0-1/8 throttle facts. Good stuff to have around.
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