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Everything posted by BansheeBrian

  1. Yeah,If it's the shizzles last hoo-rah they could had dressed it out a little more.That seat is the color pattern to an 02'.
  2. They are busy in government law because the constitution is extremely vague. It's disturbing that they actually HAD to pass a law banning the protest of war at military funerals.
  3. If you can't find one here pm FASTOYS.His first name is Jeff and He'll line you up.
  4. "how bout a blowjob" wold be the latest catch phrase.The'd use it on sportscenter,wheel of fortune,CNN,american idol.......
  5. Nice work on the 1000th post! :thumb: Post whoring is alot of talk with nothing to say.
  6. Noss is the best.Cake to install and look sharp.
  7. Is he a member here?Did this happed here? I did a search on his user name and couldn't find jack. With some people it's money first,compassion later.It's like in Goodfallas"You had a fire?.....fuck you pay me." I do wish you're daughter well.A fever on a 6 week old could drive parents into fits.
  8. More power captain!!!More power!! Kid tightened up like pulling the string on a hooded parka and that rocket was stuck at the launchpad. I guess thats how the Grucci brothers got started. :laugh:
  9. I'll take this one fellas. Boost bottles are only good for the bottom of any lake or pond.Not worth the money and will not give you any gains.Waste of money that could be used for other things.
  10. Well a baitcaster you have to keep you're thumb on the spool when you cast out or your line will snarl. Spincaster has a bail on it.You pull the bail over keeping your index finger on the line then when you cast,just release your finger and the line goes out. Posting a pic of the reel you bought would help out alot.
  11. I have 3 wiring harnesses kicking around all in good shape.If you can snap a few pics of the plugs going to the CDI and the light on off switch i can tell with ease.
  12. I've got the pipe springs for you.Would be happy to trade for a few vinyl BansheeHQ.com decals. 2.5 by 10 in white with block lettering.You have a pic in the appearance section.
  13. What year for harness?
  14. E-mail: GytWyptRacing@Hotmail.com he's a member of the HQ and he as everything.
  15. If its a Noss Machine head maybe David can do something for you.Dunno.
  16. Just looking at a front shot of that thing made me laugh.I just don't see the 5900 invested?Laugh even harder if it was a long standing member here!
  17. Don't sweat it Dead Op,you're adding to the effort of making a good point.Thanks!
  18. Waaaaaay far beyond like,hon! I remember long ago making road trips to up to the giant N.H package store up in N.H and loading up.I thought it was the greatest because booze was cheap and I could roam a packy with a shopping cart!! Yup, I had a problem. We'd go to Wells eat lobster get plastered and swerve our way back to CT.Ship of fools or car of idiots.All growed up now!!
  19. Time to get tough.2 months and too many promises for a port and bore. You're getting jerked around and around. If you do talk to him get you're cylinders the hell out of his hands.I'm also thinking that he may have shipped them out to a real builder and is waiting for them to be shipped back,then charge you a little markup and say it's his work.
  20. I'm not trying to impress anyone,son.Especially you. Know someone that got sick as hell on "liquid suicides". (Yeager,goldschlager,and rumplemintz shot)
  21. Couldn't agree more.You're dead because your selfish and like a little wind in you're wig when you're ride.Personal negligence-sp. In CT you have to wear a seat belt in you're car but not a helmet on a bike??WTF. Yeah you looked cool sporting your riding gear for the first half hour of you're ride and and now you scrambled your eggs in an accident and wind up you're in PJ's sporting the new Harley Davidson colostomy bag surrounded by unpaid bills and hungry kids.Some badass. :yankyank: Wear a helmet.
  22. She's got the thong to match the plastics like a good girl. :thumb:
  23. That's a damn good member down.We need you back on the boards so get well...in a hurry!
  24. 7 hours of surgery sounds like a little more than just a busted hinge.He could make a little more scratch with this,like doing promos for Shoei,Gerber baby food ect.. Sucks if you're at the age of 23 and already running around with a set of "Jimmy Carter's" for a yapper.
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