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Everything posted by BansheeBrian

  1. Never liked U2 in the first place. Africas population is out of control.When you see a vid of an african village on TV theres an african mama breastfeeding 2 at a time + a bun in the oven.Anytime there is a overpopulation of any mammal theres bound to be a problem.Especially humans.China recognizes this fact and it's law that your only allowed a max. of having 2 children there. Epidemics suck.
  2. One chain wrench and it's a do it yourselfer.
  3. Just like that freakin telethon for the 911 victims. Tom Cruise,Jack Nickelson and 40-50 other wealthy, sucessful actors enticing us to give money.If those stars gave a cool million a piece that telethon would'nt even happen.A million out of their pocketbooks is nothing they would'nt even feel it! Middleclass??.....Watch your ass!
  4. Other riders almost seem to look up to you when you show up with a modded to the hilt shee. The acceleration is great! Nothing beats compliments from people who understand what you have.
  5. Appreciate the replys but my friend Holyman grabbed it.
  6. I wish I could raise those in my hatchery.The Rod and Gun clubs would go nuts! Imagine going over to the Mekong river and casting out 30lb wheels of cheeze to catch that cat.Oh hell, all you need is the Banjo minnow!
  7. Feels good when it's only simple stuff like that.
  8. Did you you check the gap between your pick-up coil and flywheel? Can you swap CDI's with a bud that's got a shee? What is your timing and how did you set the plate?
  9. The For Sale section of the HQ would be a good start.Good thing you're not as banged up as you're Shee.If you're looking for stock parts those are easy to find.
  10. Hmmmm.Water in your throttle cable drippin into your carb?!? Check and see if stator is wet or in that vicinity?Water in crossover+balance tube?
  11. It's good for some people and not for others.I have never posted a pic on the HQ or anywhere else but i promised Holyman a pic so I'll do my best today.
  12. BansheeBrian

    Wiring Harness

    Wiring harness is in good shape.TORS plugs are cut and the wires for the key are cut and twisted together.-60 shipped.
  13. I've been playing for 16 years and it's a kick ass hobbie.When you start jammin for a few friends or a group and no matter what your playing sounds good to them you know all those frustrating years of self teaching paid off. Late night a fieid party with a bonfire and every ones ripped being the one to break out the acoustic and start belting out some framiliar tunes is the greatest.People especially chicks dig that shit. Always expect one drunk,greazy biker dude in the croud to Yell FREEBIRD!
  14. Yep. Pawn shops have some decent axes. If you have a Sam Ash or something close by that would do the trick too.If you buy from a good well known guitar store they check out their used stuff and make sure it's worth while selling it to someone else. Washburn,Ibanez,Yamaha all have decent acoustics for 250-400 bones.I just bought a new Yamaha AES 620 and this thing rips.
  15. Big coin for a decent "Betsy Ross" job on a banshee bra.
  16. I'll try the water wetter since I bought a few bottles of the stuff a month ago. Tough tryin to fight off this "fry an egg" 80 degree weather here in Connecticut.
  17. Revs drop off too quick for hillclimbs.Pics on their way.
  18. BansheeBrian

    Wiring Harness

    I have one from a 2000 with the square plugs but I want to look it over before i sell it just to be sure it's in good shape. I don't want to sell you or anyone crapola. I'll get back to you.
  19. I have a mint condition flywheel lightened by BDBanshee at BansheeWorks.There is not a nick,scratch or ding on it and I'm willing to swap it with some one that has a new to near perfect standard flywheel with NO rust.
  20. Whats the name of your company? Do you have a website?
  21. Do I go by the written directions on the bottle or what my fellow BHQer's suggest? What mix?
  22. An 86 shee on stock bore would be a collectors item too.It's not the rappy's that impress me it's the new 250'R.
  23. The motor will be used for hillclimb comp,and hillclimb rec. This thing has to have killer bottom end with hp in the 85+ range. This new motor is important to me. Why is the 421 cheetah not recommended more than the cubs? I rode a ported 400 that gave me a real jolt and now i want to buy. If i go any larger than 421 the AMA will give me some shit at the nationals. Sucks when I'm not visiting the BHQ as often as i should.I miss out on alot of good info.Well......I'm back!
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