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Everything posted by BansheeBrian

  1. When I first joined the HQ I would have never dreamed this would happen.There is a common bond between ALL members that instilled fairplay and trust in every transaction between us.I buy most of my banshee items that I need over the HQ.I trust the HQ members over the E-bayers.It's very upsetting that I have to raise such a stink just to get back what does not belong to another member. $600.00 Ray, Cut the check and send it.
  2. Where's the 600 bucks I sent you for the Rockets over 3 months ago.The check was made out in you're name. Settle with those you left hangin' in the breeze before you start another project. It would help you're credibility.
  3. Everyone????? I've heard you're promises before.
  4. where do you live on the east coast? Theres some excellent shops here in Connecticut.
  5. Thanks to Modquad for the contest! Congrats to all the winners,and of course thanks again Lee!
  6. The way things are heading it's- Try The Toomeys It would have helped in a big way to have Rockets for this years hillclimb season. Oh well, all I want is a refund.Already sent Ray an E-mail with no response.
  7. With the appropriate toppings.The visual is funny on this one.The cluck opens his front door at 1am and he has the indian,biker or the constuction worker at his doorstep with a "sicilian" in hand.
  8. Not a useless post.I think it's great that someone is looking into porting.I could tell someone to use search on every topic there is because it has been discussed in the past.Even if someone new with 6 posts wanted to know how to gap a plug I would take the time to tell them.Why the hell not?That same inexperienced newbie in one or two years with some HQ gained knowledge is running faster times than most of us.I've seen it.
  9. I heard Superchicken bought the business.
  10. Just effin with ya.I'm not black. In fact I'm an English Canadian from Hartland, New Brunswick which makes me the furthest from. The NAACP will jump on anything and anybody with even the slightest hint of racist values. I have a feeling the democrats are cheering them on just to make the Bush admin. look ugly in the public eye.
  11. UH, Ray I think you forgot someone on you list of who to ship pipes to.Brian H of Connecticut. Remember me? I'm sure you remember the 600 bucks I sent you for a set. Reimbursement or pipes.What's it gonna be?
  12. I paid Ray 600 dollars of my money for a set of chrome rockets delivered priority mail and he said they will be at my door in two weeks. Your full of shit Ray it has been three months. Make it happen. You're nice guy,bullshit,snowjob crap doesn't do it anymore.
  13. No can do but I just wanted to say thats a kick ass lookin motor in you're avatar.
  14. Good looking bike! What do you have for a motor in that thing? It's great to see you have quite a bit of expirence in building a ripper!
  15. Nice work on the trailer! First you'll want more power and that costs.Then you'll start looking into suspension then when you're accounts are cleaned and your living off of Ramen noodles you will want chrome and billet. Can't beat owning the best quad ever made!!
  16. I think 1.6i just shit his britches. I have had mine on order for almost 3 months.Just give it some patience and Fireman-hott will deliver in time. I wasnt too happy to see those silencer pics though.
  17. My shee has a smoother rev and it idles like a dream.Great product!
  18. Sick looking shee! It should sell in a hurry.
  19. Blew Deuce,Thats just about the best realistic rant I've heard in months.Hey look who just became a new member NAACP Racing...J/k It was news to us all watching the tube and finding out just where our money is going in this country. Sucks that it took a killer storm for these things to surface.Do you think you would have been better off kept in the dark? Looks like the government forgot to jiggle the handle after they flushed.
  20. Just think...The spending just started! Welcome to the HQ!
  21. Why don't the moron authoritys leave one lane for inbound traffic and have the other two for outbound! Thats so it wont take 13hrs to travel 60miles and I know 60 miles in Texas aint shit for distance.That will help folks that are fixin' to get the hell outta there a little faster.
  22. While you're in New York see Ground Zero which is a must for all Americans.It will blow you're mind.Little Italy is the best place to have lunch or dinner in my book. China town at night is always an interesting place.ESPN zone if you dig sports. Guliani did a nice job cleaning up the city when he was mayor so you don't have to worry about getting mugged or pick pocketed.Always go to New York with plenty of money on you.
  23. ummm..errrr.. No comprendo. Sorry 04 but I need an explanation myself.
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