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Everything posted by BansheeBrian

  1. Thanks 1.6i! Do I put you down under the "good seller" forum???
  2. Super sick, twisted joke there Mike.............Got anymore?
  3. One thing about PC's they have a nice powerband hit in midrange.PC's do like a fatter pilot.
  4. It's getting so I can turn my flashlight off.How's that? If everything goes well theres some "thank you's" I need to throw around.
  5. You aint' kidding,Loco.Phew! It's starting look like I can get back into having a normal HQ members life.(whatever that may be)That in itself is a topic for down the road.
  6. It's all up to one person,Loco.I think you're right about NOT walking tward the light.I'll have to use a different analogy. Shit! Where's Stan when you need him.
  7. Again it's down to a "wait and see"............again.
  8. Would have been a hell of a picture to post with you squattin' on a pumpkin.
  9. PM recieved.Looks like theres light at the end of the tunnel.
  10. Almost 3000 hits on this topic!Yeeeesh!
  11. Can beat a genuine, honest HQ member like 1.6i. Wow! If this happens as planned Ray will only be ripping me off $25.00.Originally he promised me the pipes within two weeks shipped priority and whatever money that wasn't used in the shipping would be in the form of a check sent with the pipes. I'll remember never to make any over the phone verbal deals again.It will all be in print. Now if all goes well ,I'll have to hound Ray for 25.00.Man,am I tired of this shit.
  12. Ray why do I have to wait for all that to happen??Pull the money from your piggy bank and send the check!!Why are you trying to pork Chris out of his loot too? Brook,Brook,Brook,Brook,Brook.....HE,HE.I can play too!!
  13. Ray,wrong place to have problems with dishonesty if you ever plan on selling a banshee item ever again.
  14. Ray you need to pay me 600 bucks. Why are you trying to screw people? Don't blame Chris .You are using him as a cop-out. You have my money and my address sent it.
  15. If EVER do get these pipes or the money I'll make damn sure I post pics.Shit,in fact I owe the HQ alot of pics(hillclimb vids,my banshee, myself). There needs to be resolve.If I do get them they will probably be dinged and dented out of retribution.Yup! I temporarily have little to no trust. Well....I guess you guys and gals can trust me if i ever post something for sale!
  16. Peculiar on how one of the fastest in-frame pipes on the the market is the slowest to get to it's destination. Chris needs to get paid,and 1.6i needs to get paid for the shipping he will spend and maybe ,just maybe something will show up at my door.Ray, you need to settle with us all to come even partially clean on this. Do you know how many people have read this whole thing?Anything with your name on it like these cyclone pipes will be stained.This will not just go away unless you act.
  17. Shit, if you think that's evil did you read how well Stan is prepared? I'll be looking for a thread composed by Stan stating on Nov.1st " OH'SHIT! Where do i put the bodies!". The real threat on holloween is definietly those lil'bastards running around with the eggs,shaving cream,paintball guns and homemade explosives.The days of toilet paper are over now it's sneaking dad's hand cannon out of the house.
  18. F*ck that man!!!!! You send me that set where it belongs in the frickin first place!!!!!Haven't been this pissed in a while. Why am I getting dicked with then?? Yeah ,Yeah,Yeah,post some pics of you're new pipes, rub salt in the wound why don't you. J/K Good to hear you got results!
  19. I have a feeling a member just bought a few bags of Red-i-mix or Quickrete preparing for Holloween.All I know it that trick is hell on oilpans and exhaust.
  20. Minkia38 will not reply to several E-mails I have sent him.I'm the most honest person I know and it's aggrevating that this is happening. My attorney would be pissed to hear about this one.
  21. History of the banshee isn't a bad idea.I wondered if the 87 model had the TORS setup.Maybe Yamaha was sued because someones slides were stuck WOT and smacked into the side of their house.Then they added that ugly mass of useless wires we call TORS today.
  22. Find a good size pumpkin, carve a hole in the top around the stem.Then fill the pumpkin full of cement.After cement cures place pumpkin on the side of the road.When the next driver who wants to play asshole and ruin someone's Holloween by running their pumpin over will get a hell of a surprise!!
  23. Hell man I've been in the game over three months.Feels like I'm in my own Houston and Atlanta game in the 17th inning. I should not have to convince someone to be honest.
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