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    Morgan Hill, Ca.
  • Interests
    my '03 shee & '03 Z car, T&A, guns, dead terrorists, money

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  • My Banshee (optional)
    2003 Banshee limited edition, T5's, K&N clamp on's

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  1. The scumbag media were probably stayig in N.O. hoping & praying for a major bloody riot to spark up.
  2. Indeed, but then that's why I have guns, because I know they want to grab them. The only thing they will grab from me is a face full of .44 mag. and throw in some .40 S&W for good measure. The more they push, the more ammo I buy.
  3. A 23c is compensated. That is the top ends of the slide and barrel has 2 slots milled out to expell gasses upwards out of them, thus helping to keep the gun down when double or tripple tapping. For some reason Cali has now outlawed compensated barrels
  4. rebel, can i be your friend? You've got my dream collection. Out here on the left coast I would be crusified if i were caught with your arsenal. SANDSTAR I have the Glock model 23c 40 S&W. I paid over well over 500 for it new and sent it out to Oregon for a integrated laser sight install. I think that cost about as much as the gun itself. It's my baby.
  5. I've been running Redline Racing syn for 2 strokes ever since after break in. I mix 40:1. Still runs like a top so what the hell.
  6. Cocksucker is as Cocksucker does. In other words this kid is a demented Cocksucker.
  7. dang I never thought of that! Now that sounds like a great idea.
  8. I jerk off all over it and make my wife lick it up.
  9. It will make a difference but know that you will have to through in some bigger main jets for the carbs and you might as well get an outerwear for the filter and a ProFlow Plate and remove the airlid for better airflow. Then when you have the bucks get some pipes.
  10. sheeweet


    WTF your reply has absolutely nothing to do with birth control.
  11. Dollars to donuts that YFZ wasn't his! Which means their are two jerkoffs involved here. Oh and if quads are ever outlawed it will be because of fools like these.
  12. I've got first dibs on the arms, bro!
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