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Everything posted by locogato11283

  1. The Jeep has a hitch. I think I'll drive it to LSOK.
  2. Maybe the 450 can keep up with the Dodge now.
  3. I placed the order today. It will be a couple weeks before I have them in stock. PayPal is tdc_toy@hotmail.com Be sure to include size and address.
  4. Quit playing.. This ride was set in stone months ago! Just roll through anyway.
  5. Brand new, unfucked with is $900. I suggest going that route. I wouldn't sell either of ours for $900 and they are several years old.
  6. Just got done lifting. My forearms are bigger than DDQ's biceps.
  7. A buddy of mine said you didn't want to answer any questions about it. He was more than interested in it.
  8. It would take more than some sissy Canadian to trade with me. I'd likely omoplata you before you ever got near my arm.
  9. I give no fucks. I don't want to BE the strongest guy. I just wanted to LOOK the strongest.
  10. I'm not nearly as strong lifting but functionally at work I'm just as strong if not stronger.
  11. How is it carrying that around? You're not a very big guy. Most I've ever been was 193 and I was miserable.
  12. Yes, if you want to send find now, that would be awesome..Especially for the guys who want tall shirts/hoodies.. That way I don't end up stuck with them. Regular shirts are easy to off load. JUST BE SURE...In the NOTES box to add the size and type of whatever you want. Be very specific. And add your address please!! Even if you think PayPal has it, add it any way! PayPal - tdc_toy@hotmail.com
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