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Everything posted by specialblend07

  1. Sounds like the best guys in your area, need some clues.
  2. DAMN! Ty Ty is really done.....
  3. Your mechanic is clueless. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. TBH, it's ridiculous he's making you wait on fixing his issue. Busy or not, you should be a priority. I might get flamed for saying this, but HJR has always seemed to be a 3rd rate builder.
  5. Get rid of that 2-1
  6. Send it off to someone else. Did he assemble the the motor in the bike? Check to make sure your stingers aren't backwards (wrong sides). They should be THAT close to the filters.
  7. He’s good. The sex change went well and he’s started using his dilators. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Pretty sure RRL had a similar issue with HJR and it was dome design. I personally would go to a different builder, but that's my opinion.
  9. Make sure you actually need to bore out. Just adding larger pistons won't do anything for power.
  10. Out the man who told you this!
  11. I believe that's right, but up to 24 total is what the FB says.
  12. I was just on CP’s FB, looks like they’re casting cases now? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. So which one isn’t? CP is casted here I believe? Driveline isn’t? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Aren’t they both designed/casted here? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. I need a set. These are dope. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. I guess my comment on 916's went unnoticed. If you ride in SD, they will be far and away, the best pipes for you.
  17. For your location/mods, I would 100% suggest DMC 916'S
  18. Like LocoPussy said.... It isn't worth the effort.
  19. I was told you started a gym. That'd be sweet. I dont think any of us ever saw the finished design for inframes
  20. How's the gym going? Do you have photos of the "stripper/hooker" pipes you built? I believe QuadGod named them on here before he was banned.
  21. Sand casting is inexpensive (to a degree). My personal opinion (which doesn't mean shit), is if you choose to do cast, find a small casting company that will do low volume work. Otherwise, you're better of machining orders as they come in.
  22. I could be wrong here, but I have sold castings in the past.. If the volume is there, castings would likely be more lucrative, which I doubt in the current banshee market there would be any volume. If you already have the machining centers, it would probably make more sense to stick with billet. As mentioned previously, Mattoon already does this, so you'd have to shed weight, or add features for cheaper. Or both.
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