Pics work on my phone but not computer. Weird. Either way, the DMX is such a bad ass motor. Q16 is a cool fuel. K&T had me run it on my DM before I sold it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sadly, the best way to post photos now is from your phone. Download Tapatalk, then find Bansheehq. After that, uploading pictures is extremely easy. Would like to see the photos!!!!!
I'm in west metro Minneapolis, not too far from you.
What carbs are currently on it. Sounds like the floats aren't adjusted right. takes 10 minutes to do
I would NOT go back to Cannon Powersports. If they can't figure this out, they're clueless.
I could probably come out next week before Thursday. I'll send you a private message
I'm in MN too, who did the work? Where in MN are you? I might be able to come look!
These things are simple as shit. You do NOT need to fly someone in, or travel if you can't follow simple directions.
What happens when you try and kick it over?
Check to make sure it's getting fuel?
I ran straight 110, I sold it to a buddy who ran 110/91+.
I had a K&T drag port, shearer SB, 35PWK, 17cc domes , and other stuff. It ran flawlessly always. I only main jet jetted too.