this is a funny thread lol glad im not the only freak in this joint. i have lots of odd habits, but i only dare share a few..
i only drink warm soda, no matter what kind of soda, i only drink it at room temperature.
im a germ-a-phobe
if i dont know something, i HAVE to learn about it, no matter what it is.
i have a nervous habit of biting my lower lip, dont even notice im doing it, sometimes til it bleeds.
i hate going out in public, i always feel like everyone is staring at me, even though, rationally, i know no one is.
i write everything down that could in any way be important or needed at any later date. i have five various notebooks/notepads on my desk at all times as well as little post-it sized squares of paper.
i always laugh at inapropriate times, uncontrolably, snort, tears the whole nine yards. it gets me in trouble ALL the time.
i HATE dirty hands, if i eat something that you have to pick up, like chips, i only use my thumb and one finger so the rest dont get dirty.
i have to sleep on my side, if i sleep on my back or stomach i stop breathing and wake myself up lol
i cant sleep at night if i feel like i didnt get enough done that day.
i only shower right before i go to bed, never in the morning.