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Everything posted by Brooke

  1. so true. i have someone hounding me right now to move towards nyc to get a job at a big advertising agency. i know i could get the job in a second, but then id be working for someone else's dream, not my own. no better motivation than having no one to blame for your failure but yourself. cant sit around all day and curse at "the man" for bringin me down. and i may be wrong, but i dont think many pioneers in my field spent their time working for someone else. if it were up to people like moore, we'd be living in a socialist society where wealth is redistributed. a society like that scares me. theres no motivation for anyone to be great and work hard.
  2. agreed blue. i remember when i was in high school and worked for a landscaping company....holy shit that was some hard physical labor. but...i worked my eight or ten hours a day and went home, free to do or think about whatever i want. when you run your own business, youre always working 24/7 even in your sleep. i barely sleep as it is, but when i do finally get in bed i lay there thinking about everything i need to do the next day, next week next year to make my business a success. it takes a lot of sacrifice, it would be much easier for me to say f*ck it, and go get a job someplace, but instead, im 24, live back with my parents so i can invest every penny i own, and every second of my life to making this a success. but it will all be worth it in the end. i have an aunt who has worked at Kmart forever, works like 60 hours a week, and fucking loves her job. shes one of the happiest people i know, and i envy her like you wouldnt believe. me on the other hand, ive always been miserable, and always will be no matter what. so i figure i might as well be miserable with lots of designer bags and diamonds and a zillion apple computers. o yea, and a couple hard bodied cabana boys.
  3. i cant believe im going to say this, but i agree with blue deuce. i have nothing but respect for the hard working blue collar amongst us, but dont piss on those of us who live more "comfortably" finacially. Im so sick of people giving me shit about what "class" im in, or grew up in. people have accused me of being spoiled just because my family didnt have to worry about putting food on the table when i was a kid. gimme a break. my parents both worked their asses off their whole lives to get where they are. they both worked their way through college then were ruthless in the workforce, never took vacations, and guess what..never complained about it either. i was taught to work my ass off in college, not waste it partying, and taught that if you work your ass off you can accomplish anything. i may have grown up with the preverbial silver spoon, but i have a better work ethic than anyone in my peer group. i plan on having a very comfortable living, and maybe even being a generous sugar momma for some hard bodied cabana boy...if im real rich ill have a girl toy too, but they're a lot more expensive lol
  4. ive been fuckin around with it, what do you think?
  5. thanks guys, youre too kind. as i told glock, i came up with a great idea for a logo, now i just have to figure out how to do it...gonna take some time, but ill show you guys when its done. this reminds me of the other contest the site had. lol little friendly competition is always fun.
  6. thats the FIRST thing i thought of too. i wonder if he'll think of it.
  7. funny rebel. and sredish is right, i starting riding atvs dirtbikes and snowmobiles at an extremely young age. always loved it, but havent ridden in years. lost riding buddies, and rides and time lol but the good news is, i just recently found out that i have my first niece or nephew on the way, so my dad and i are on the lookout for a small atv, a minibike and a kiddie snowmobile lol gotta start em young like my dad did! I'm the one in the pink..
  8. hahaa!! thanks! and thanks to NYUK for letting me use that picture of his badass bike. the site hasnt launched yet, but the merchandise can be purchased here http://www.cafeshops.com/bansheebabes lol nyuk said they came out real well.
  9. I do that for a living. you can look at my sample portfolio if you want http://www.bewmedia.com/bb.html let me know if youre interested, i'll give you the friend rate.
  10. once you have your pics hosted someplace, get the url of the pic you want to post, then in your reply click the "IMG" button above the dialogue box. a little window will pop up with a place for you to put the url. click ok once youve pasted the url and repeat for each photo you want to add.
  11. i have a comic book theme going. spidey, silver surfer etc etc
  12. I'm overwhelmed by the offers guys.....I've always wanted to be a tramp *tear* I need to start writing names down for an emergency booty call list. However, I regret to inform you that I ate the last piece of cake for breakfast this morning. I'm very sad and loney with out it.....hint hint
  13. hey guys!! i didnt see this til now, since im an HQ outcast!! first of all, id like to say, thank you guy for all the birthday wishes, you guys are awesome. and stan, thanks for my gift lol i just had the family celebration today, i think ive been way too excited about my laptop, look at the cake i got.. haha as for dirtrider...sheesh...you have a couple threesomes and suddenly youre a lesbian... naa really, he doesnt bother me, i know he's just upset cause ive gotten more pussy than he'll ever dream of....
  14. Brooke


    no worries, im done with this site. i didnt mean for this to turn into a fight. much apologies tats, i feel your pain right now. let me know if i can do anything bye hq
  15. im surprised it hasnt come yet...
  16. is that more BS or an empty promise? lmfao funny you think people will be happy when im gone, especially considering the reaction you got when you banned me. lmfao like i told you before lee. im not on this site for you, im here for the people. i love these people, even the ones i dont get along with and disagree with. i have a lot of respect for the members here and i think its more their site than yours. i can only hope that they will come be a part of my site, only THAT will make my site great. its all about the members man, and i think youve taken the members here for granted for way too long. its about time they get a site that has everything theyve ever asked for here and MORE. and soon, im gonna give it to them.
  17. Hey, don't you have your own banshee website now? bansheebabes or something. When are you going to get that site up so you can get the hell off this one. well congradulations sherlock! yes i do, and its already lookin badass. it should be done shortly. so hey everyone, ill be sure to post right here on the HQ when its finished! so glad you mentioned it lee, now i dont have to worry about pissing you off by advertising it here. nice to have that door opened for me. as a matter of fact, let me do a call out if anyone else is tired of the empty promises and BS that happens at this site, let me know and I'll be sure to send a special invitation to the new bansheebabes site when it goes live!! contact me at brooke@bewmedia.com or info@bansheebabes.com or on aim at vixensvertigo or yim at vixensvertigo
  18. o dude, you know the funny thing. if kerry were elected and another attack happened in september of his first year as president, then theyd blame bush for that one too.
  19. they are serving their country proudly lee. some people take pride in selfless acts. and how long do you think it should take to rebuild a country and enstate democracy? it takes time. we are doing a noble thing, and your selfish attitude makes me sick. the men and women who sign up for the armed forces KNOW that it is not only for their own country but to help protect the meek and weak...those that can't protect themselves if they aren't prepared to do their job, they shouldn't be in the armed forces i'm all about caring and loving the ones that are over there, but also respect the job they have to do i say god bless america and our troops who are doing the noblest of jobs. like i said before, our selfless acts and sacrifice for others is what makes this country so great. im proud to be an american and support our leader and our troops.
  20. and another couple thoughts lee 1) The ass morons that are doing the beheading are the REASON we are over there. Terrorists are just that...and they will continue to do it. 2)The daily briefings consist of 100s of 1000s of suggestions of what to do in a particular day...for every 1,000 people we've lost it's is quite realistic that there are 5-10 times that many saved
  21. lee id stop while you still have any ounce of respect from your members. seriously. the money you spent on moores film would have been better spent on cable so you can get fox news. or better yet, buy yourself a book or two. im not even gonna get into the whole bush/clinton who dropped the bigger ball debate with you, cause i really dont need to hear moores movie reiterated to me. and its not bush's fault those men got beheaded, it the monsters who did it. you dont ever need to worry about being called on to do anything for anyone, i mean, why start now. besides, you seem like the deserter type to me, head to canada like those other two. lol
  22. ok you are really just making yourself look foolish. first of all, the term "war president" means a president during wartime, thats all. doof. and the USA is the most powerful nation in the world, with that come the responsibility of protecting people and countries who cant protect themselves. in case you didnt know we went after him for our own saftey also. all of the countries of the world with 'intelligence' that are part of the UN...whether they are part of the coalition or not.....have agreed that Iraq was planning violent terrorist attacks on the US and were amassing WMD's regardless of us finding any the reason most didn't join us was NOT because they didn't agree...it's because all Intelligence pointed to it being a US problem. we are still there now because just going in taking sadaam and leaving would be setting that country up for disaster. there are still sadaam loyalists there who want to kill innocent iraqi people, and we need to protect the innocent over there. but no, you say we should just leave the innocent iraqis to be killed by the terrorists and sadaam loyalists over there? and not help them set up a stable democracy? is that what you suggest? and please, we are nowhere near a draft, you need to stop believeing the michael moores of the world. this country is a great nation because of our selfless acts that have saved uncountable nations and their citizens. if you dont like it, go to france.
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