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About madkaw

  • Birthday 01/18/1975

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  • Location
    Hell, Michigan

madkaw's Achievements

HQ Soldier

HQ Soldier (2/5)



  1. I just like to let people know when they are misinformed, which is what your doing because if you had first hand information you wouldn't make stupid comments like yours.
  2. Yes, see the third post on this topic
  3. Your info is a little out of date. Shearer has nothing to do with the pipes that A&S and RDZ are currently producing.
  4. RDZ Racing out of frames
  5. A&S and RDZ are in on the new pipes together so there pipes are the same, they offer them out both sides or the same side.
  6. RDZ Racing out of frame drag pipes
  7. You get what you pay for
  8. maybe your quad isn't pulling hard by half track because you have pro circuit pipes, drag pipes will rev alot higher and pull hard further
  9. Marvin Shaw Shocks
  10. madkaw

    wheelie bar

    here is mine
  11. madkaw

    lil 350

    theres some video on planetsand under silver lake at Clarksville
  12. madkaw

    lil 350

  13. madkaw

    lil 350

    I was just pointing out that its not a 350 cub
  14. madkaw

    lil 350

    stock stroke, no triple port
  15. madkaw

    lil 350

    300ft sand
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