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The long john

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HQ Noob (1/5)



  1. An actual reply thank you, that's what I was looking for I couldn't find much on duncan racing and why they were not the top for banshees so I was looking for some insight.
  2. People are totally different over the Internet, gives them a extra set of balls, or an actual set if you didn't have one to begin with. Getting butthurt over a question turning a serious thread into a joke, wonder how many people you run off these forums with your extra set of Internet balls.
  3. I've only been on these forums for 2 days and I can already see what type of people are on here. Duncan recommends 34mm pj carbs for their porting and I was trying to get some opinions on why they are a company I shouldn't listen to. Nobody's crying maybe you a little bit on the inside not sure yet though.
  4. I'm not sure where you get that I don't take what you guys say into consideration, I just like more then one opinion, if I didn't care what you said I wouldn't ask.
  5. I couldn't find much about why they are bad so I wanted to hear why they are bad not just a single opinion. No need for tears.
  6. I said I was using FAST already so I'm not looking to hear something I want to hear.
  7. Do you not have your own opinion? I'm asking for specific individual opinions
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