I feel like a total noob now. Ive removed them many times before and put them back on. Idk why im questioning my self all of a sudden now.
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I didnt even think about that.. Ive had this thing apart since Oct. its possible I have them in upside down.. now im questioning myself.. If I have the motor out of the frame with just the mounts hanging there, they should be angled slightly upwards correct?
Thanks cody. Its just yye beginning of th threads where they are looking funky. Past that point looks good. Wondering if i can just clean em up like leagers said
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Can i keep my case in the frame while i do that? I went to mount up the motor today I ran into this problem when I was putting on the lower mounts
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One of my lowercase Mount holes is starting to stip. I have to really Force the bolt once it gets about half way in and its still wont go in at that point. Help fam.
Sent from my LGMS210 using Tapatalk
Id say depends on what your plans are if u just wanna ride it as is.. First thing I would do is take the pipes off and blow them out with compressed air to make sure there are no rats nest in there. Take off filters and carbs, clean and inspect them. Throw some new plugs in. Drain all fluids and replace. Do a compression test and if it reads well, id start it up and ride it lol
Try adjusting your clutch and making sure that is right.
Also you can drain your fluids, remove clutch cover and inspect your pressure plate, hub, and basket. A worn hub and basket will cause some clutch creep.
Lol glad u figured it out.. I honestly don't know why I did think of that to begin with because I had that happen before when I left my bike un covered for like 2 years... Pipes were clogged with rats nets.
Anybody been to silver lake yet this year? I heard the other day from someone that they are all jacked up and a mess right now, can anyone thats been there yet confirm this