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Everything posted by Ayesully810

  1. What the hell happened to Bennett??

  2. Maybe this is just stevens way to get all of us to call bomb the hell outta fullbore into making them again lol
  3. They have been, planning to go the 12th and 13th.
  4. yes thats the right route for the hose. Do u have a pic of the full bike?
  5. download tapatalk and upload through there on the forums, or go to photobucket and upload, and paste the embedded code in here
  6. This. When we were getting funky compression readings at driveline trying to do dome swaps we ran into this. Once we used an adapter that was the same as a spark plug, we got 170 psi on the dot. good write up either way, a quality compression reader will def read better.
  7. They work great with them. We did pipe testing on my motor there with snipers shearers and slp. They really shined, i posted it in my thread. Power is literally instant. Id like to try cpis eventually though.. Hehe Sent from my LGMS210 using Tapatalk
  8. As long as my bike dont go sailing off the edge of a cliff due to crap brakes idgaf what kind are on there, just dont let me die. Sent from my LGMS210 using Tapatalk
  9. I thought about it for 12 hrs.. If i didnt love mine so much id trade you. You will love them. Ps play with ur gearing when u get them Sent from my LGMS210 using Tapatalk
  10. You def wanna know your compression and where your timing is at before you start running race fuel. Just putting in race gas will not make it run better, if you dont have the proper compression and timing, it will run worse. What pipes do you have? I did not see that in your post. You wanna be at the 170 psi mark on compression with some advanced timing before you start running race fuel. Start by checking your compression and seeing where you are at.
  11. One side is bored bigger than the other?
  12. Ill pm u dont wanna junk up ops post Sent from my LGMS210 using Tapatalk
  13. I do a lot of things. Be more specific Sent from my LGMS210 using Tapatalk
  14. Carl is doing my next build. I cant wait Sent from my LGMS210 using Tapatalk
  15. Picked up a new axle and dont need this one. I thought it was bent but after taking it off i still cant tell, if it is, its a slight bend that i can barely tell. Either way u can have it for 75$ if u pay shipping. Comes with lock nut and spacers and castle nuts. Have no idea what brand. Sent from my LGMS210 using Tapatalk
  16. Hope you posted this in the FB group if ur on there. This will sell fast I bet.
  17. This.. and something that is decent on gas:) Also. Sleeper06 (member on here) is a great guy to contact for motor work.
  18. Mounts were fine.. I was an idiot and when i put the first bottom bolt in it was crooked when i started threading it but i applied more force like a dumb dumb, it effed the threads slightly. Sent from my LGMS210 using Tapatalk
  19. If ur mtr bolted up fine ur good, but im gunna be in the garage in a bit ill take a pic Sent from my LGMS210 using Tapatalk
  20. Round house takes chuck norris brand seals Sorry couldnt resist. Carry on lol Sent from my LGMS210 using Tapatalk
  21. Looks good. Ur right, its different seeing it in video compared to feeling the power delivery and riding it. Btw, doesnt look slow
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